在聚光燈下成長的 Amanda Seyfried 絕非一般的荷李活明星,選擇長期居住在農場的她坦言:「純樸的生活讓我心靈富足。」拍攝《VOGUE》Hong Kong 封面期間,她與一同拍攝的馬匹瞬間熟絡起來,在鏡頭下親切互動:美,原來可以如此自在。

Top and pants, all Chloé. High Jewellery necklace in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds; earrings in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds. High Jewellery ring in rose gold with tanzanite, amethyst, rubellite and diamonds, all BVLGARI.

Top and pants, all Chloé. High Jewellery necklace in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds; earrings in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds. High Jewellery ring in rose gold with tanzanite, amethyst, rubellite and diamonds, all BVLGARI.

《VOGUE》HK:恭喜你憑《The Dropout》贏得艾美獎和金球獎!這是你的目標或夢想嗎?在演藝界打拼了 20 多年後,你 對成功的定義有所改變嗎?

Amanda:謝謝你!我從來沒想像過自己會贏得艾美獎!獲獎時非常喜悅,直到這一刻我還不敢相信我的同行在選票上寫下我的名字。雖然我為《The Dropout》感到無比自豪,但無意間眼角掃到獎杯的影子時,仍會感到驚喜。這行業風雲莫測,但是 只要你擅長你所做的事情,努力工作,並且工作時以尊重、友善的態度待人,你就一定會成功。

Dress and shoes, all Chloé. B.zero1 Rock Chain necklace in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock earrings in rose gold with black ceramic; bracelet in rose gold with black ceramic; and four-band ring in rose gold with black ceramic. B.zero1 bangle bracelet in yellow gold and bangle bracelet in rose gold; one-band ring in rose gold with openwork logo spiral and three-band ring set in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI.

Dress and shoes, all Chloé. B.zero1 Rock Chain necklace in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock earrings in rose gold with black ceramic; bracelet in rose gold with black ceramic; and four-band ring in rose gold with black ceramic. B.zero1 bangle bracelet in yellow gold and bangle bracelet in rose gold; one-band ring in rose gold with openwork logo spiral and three-band ring set in rose gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI.

《VOGUE》HK:你曾說同理心是演戲的關鍵。當你遇到像《The Dropout》中 Elizabeth Holmes 如此複雜的人物,你如 何去了解她?

Amanda:我把在手上關於她的所有資料都看了一遍:她的證詞錄音帶、著名的採訪、以及在事業高峰期時的錄像。最終我透過 Liz Meriwether 的劇本嘗試進入她的腦海,像接觸新朋友那樣去了解 Elizabeth,並在拍攝過程中與她成為一體。

Dress, Ralph Lauren. Blazer, Proenza Schouler. B.zero1 bracelet in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock bracelet in yellow gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI.

Dress, Ralph Lauren. Blazer, Proenza Schouler. B.zero1 bracelet in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock bracelet in yellow gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI.

《VOGUE》HK:你能夠分享一下拍攝《The Dropout》時的幕後故事嗎?

Amanda:我每到一個佈景時都會帶上一張折疊枱、一大盒水彩筆和畫本與大家分享,為已經很有趣的演員陣容增添了更多樂 趣。有一個禮拜我還帶了黏土呢,每一天都過得十分充實。劇中有一個 Theranos 萬聖節派對的場景,那天拍攝結束後,我穿着巫師服裝在充氣城堡中和 Shaun Brown, Michaela Watkins 和 Dylan Minnette 瘋狂地蹦蹦跳跳。《The Dropout》是我夢寐以求的經歷,是我職業生涯的亮點。

Dress, Givenchy. Heels, Manolo Blahnik.

Dress, Givenchy. Heels, Manolo Blahnik.

《VOGUE》HK:你最近與和 Tom Holland 共同主演劇集 《The Crowded Room》,和他的合作的感覺如何?有沒有甚麼難忘的幕後故事?

Amanda:我們是夏天在紐約拍攝,我也不需要夜以繼日的工作,所以我的感覺非常好。我喜歡劇集所處的時代,也得以與 Tom Holland 共同體會和探索兩個角色之間的深層連結,這讓我感到很欣慰。我最記憶猶新的是在片場慶祝 Finn 的生日,生日蛋糕是他腦袋的形狀(Instagram 上有分享照片)。他始終是片場的愛寵,比我認識的人還要多!

Dress and top, all Chloé. B.zero1 Rock earrings and bracelet in rose gold with black ceramic; four-band ring in rose gold with black ceramic; and one-band ring in rose gold with openwork logo spiral. B.zero1 Rock Chain necklace in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 bracelet in rose gold with diamonds and bangle bracelet in yellow gold, all BVLGARI.

Dress and top, all Chloé. B.zero1 Rock earrings and bracelet in rose gold with black ceramic; four-band ring in rose gold with black ceramic; and one-band ring in rose gold with openwork logo spiral. B.zero1 Rock Chain necklace in rose gold with diamonds. B.zero1 bracelet in rose gold with diamonds and bangle bracelet in yellow gold, all BVLGARI.



Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.

Dress, Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.


Amanda:我當然沒有偏心的動物 (其實是有,是我的驢子 Gus),Gus 的擁抱是最棒的。


Amanda:是的!我最滿意的作品分別是一件彩虹拼貼的蓬鬆外套,以及我在《The Crowded Room》拍攝片場做的一個手袋。

Blazer, Khaite.

Blazer, Khaite.





Dress, Victoria Beckham. High Jewellery earring in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds, BVLGARI.

Dress, Victoria Beckham. High Jewellery earring in rose gold with rubellite and diamonds, BVLGARI.

Photography: Michael Schwartz
Creative and Fashion Direction: Sean Kunjambu
Styling: Anya Ziourova
Producer: Alexey Galetskiy @AGPNYC
Makeup Artist: Genevieve Herr
Hair Stylist: Orlando Pita
Manicurist: Eri Handa
Casting Director: Jill Demling
Digital Technician: Dallas Raines
Gaffer Assistants: Eric Bouthiller, Brandon Jones & Pat Rice
Hair Stylist Assistant: Matthew Sosnowski
Fashion Assistant: Morgan Greer
Production Assistants: Sasha Ernst & Johanna Stickland
Horse: Bruno, All-Tame Animals, Inc
Location: 1896 Studios & Stages
Cover Wardrobe: Chloé
Jewellery: BVLGARI