Giorgio Armani 春夏2021時裝展今次以廣播形式,在意大利電視台及數碼平台發布。形式有別以往,但經典依舊。貼合今次的主題「永恆之思」,開騷首先以意大利演員 Pierfrancesco Favino 作為旁白的短片開場,重溫了Armani 有史以來最永恆的時刻。

綜觀整個時裝展,由服裝到首飾無不闡明了 Giorgio Armani 長達45年的一致性,以下3個透露着品牌美學的重點更是不能忽視:

1/ 結構性

86歲的Giorgio Armani 先生,曾經說過結構讓他更自由及有效率地製作服裝,而最新的2021春夏系列在男女服裝設計上,有家居的浴袍風格也有西裝剪裁,飄逸及線條感延續了品牌追求服裝結構性的特點。

I fear chaos and unruliness… Structure allows me to move freely and productively, because I can monitor everything.

Mr Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
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2/ 顏色柔和

2021 春夏系列的飄逸面料與中性色彩相搭配,色彩深淺的灰黑、米色、藍色調共融,並有幾何圖形拼接,充滿活力。再次展現了 Armani 先生在時裝的摩登及創意上的前瞻性。

What I really dislike is the fact that today fashion is mostly about entertainment and communication, sometimes to the detriment of the product. Let’s not forget that we are here to dress people with something authentic, useful, beautiful.

Mr Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
Giorgio Armani SS21 Backstage
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3/ 忠於自我

一直以來,Armani 先生設計的服裝都是優雅能駕馭的時尚款式。由日常過渡到晚裝,2021春夏系列在男女裝方面,除了一氣呵成的深淺藍色,還以拼接、閃耀布料帶來隱約的奢華風格,讓大家透過著裝表達自我,充滿格調。

I design for real people. I think of our customers all the time. There is no virtue whatsoever in creating clothing or accessories that are not practical.

Mr Giorgio Armani


Giorgio Armani 專門店
中環遮打大廈 / 尖沙咀海港城 / 尖沙咀圓方 / 尖沙咀 K11 MUSEA

In Partnership with Giorgio Armani
