Grace Kelly 在與摩納哥王子蘭尼埃結婚時,她身穿的長袖蕾絲花邊婚紗時不時便登上歷史上最時尚的榜首。由裁縫師和MGM Studios 服裝設計師 Helen Rose創作, 這款已經65歲的設計仍是二十世紀最標誌性的新娘造型。高領口、緊身胸衣、蠶絲塔夫綢裙配以幾千顆手工縫製的珍珠、以及3英尺長拖尾裙襬,這些細節都是廣為人知的經典。

April 19th: On this day in 1956, Prince Rainier married Grace Kelly. Prince Rainier III of Monaco married the film actress Grace Kelly in a civil ceremony , held in the throne room in the Palace of Monaco. With both wedding ceremonies completed Prince Ranier III and his bride, Princess Grace, drive in an open car from the cathedral in Monaco after the service. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)

April 19th: On this day in 1956, Prince Rainier married Grace Kelly. Prince Rainier III of Monaco married the film actress Grace Kelly in a civil ceremony , held in the throne room in the Palace of Monaco. With both wedding ceremonies completed Prince Ranier III and his bride, Princess Grace, drive in an open car from the cathedral in Monaco after the service. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)

穿上禮服的身姿,隨後啟發了幾十年來無數女士的時尚觸覺。著名的例子有公爵夫人Kate Middleton。她2011年嫁入王室時所穿著的Alexander McQueen Sarah Burton婚紗,與1956年摩納哥公主的婚紗有着的近似的神髓。

在多個歐洲頻道也轉播的盛事,超過三千萬的觀眾也聚焦於Helen RoseGrace Kelly的設計。

(Original Caption) Princess Grace Toasts Wedding Guests. Monte Carlo, Monaco: Just brimming over with happiness, Princess Grace holds up her glass to toast the guests at the garden party that followed her civil wedding to Prince Rainier on Wednesday. The party was held on palace grounds. Yesterday, Grace and the Prince were wed in a brilliant Roman Catholic ceremony in Monaco Cathedral. April 20, 1956.

(Original Caption) Princess Grace Toasts Wedding Guests. Monte Carlo, Monaco: Just brimming over with happiness, Princess Grace holds up her glass to toast the guests at the garden party that followed her civil wedding to Prince Rainier on Wednesday. The party was held on palace grounds. Yesterday, Grace and the Prince were wed in a brilliant Roman Catholic ceremony in Monaco Cathedral. April 20, 1956.

Le Prince Rainier et Grace Kelly avant la signature du contrat de mariage lors de la cérémonie civile qui se tient au Palais Royal le 18 avril 1956 à Monaco. (Photo by Keystone-FranceGamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Le Prince Rainier et Grace Kelly avant la signature du contrat de mariage lors de la cérémonie civile qui se tient au Palais Royal le 18 avril 1956 à Monaco. (Photo by Keystone-FranceGamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

相反,另一條Grace Kelly的婚紗在婚禮前一天露面。在4月18日,她穿著這件沒有得到廣泛重視的禮服,到王子的摩納哥皇宮裏舉行的民間證婚儀式。那是一套分開兩件的禮服套裝,據說是香檳粉與粉彩之間的色調。

這套禮服同出自於Helen Rose,用絲塔夫綢所製,加上法式阿朗松針銹花邊。鍾型的裙配上緊身胸衣,外加帶有絲質錦緞刺繡的圖領外套。茱麗葉帽(Juliet Cap)和細緻的白色手套,完成優雅的新娘造型。

(Original Caption) Gown Grace Kelly will wear for civil ceremony. Monaco: Here is a sketch by Helen Rose, its designer, of the gown that Grace Kelly will wear tomorrow for the civil ceremony that will maker her Prince Rainier's princess. Miss Rose, designer for MGM Studios, describes the gown as a dress that is really a lace suit that falls to within 14 inches of the ground. It consists of hand-run alencon lace of blush tan fitted over ashes of roses silk taffeta. The lace has been hand embroidered on the taffeta with silk thread to give it a brocaded quality and almost three dimensional effect. The skirt is bell shaped and lined with peau de soie of the same color.

(Original Caption) Gown Grace Kelly will wear for civil ceremony. Monaco: Here is a sketch by Helen Rose, its designer, of the gown that Grace Kelly will wear tomorrow for the civil ceremony that will maker her Prince Rainier's princess. Miss Rose, designer for MGM Studios, describes the gown as a dress that is really a lace suit that falls to within 14 inches of the ground. It consists of hand-run alencon lace of blush tan fitted over ashes of roses silk taffeta. The lace has been hand embroidered on the taffeta with silk thread to give it a brocaded quality and almost three dimensional effect. The skirt is bell shaped and lined with peau de soie of the same color.

如此優美的粉紅色錦緞兩件套裝,你可能會好奇為什麼Grace Kelly這套結婚禮服會被歷史完全的忽略。答案就是她刻意的隱藏。由於在一天後的婚禮,她便會穿着一條史上最壯麗的婚紗到聖尼古拉斯主教座堂(Saint Nicholas Cathedral),為了避免分散大眾對一天後正式婚禮的注意。 民間證婚儀式一完結,Kelly便馬上換上日常的裙子。美麗與智慧並重的她,一手留下婚紗時裝歷史上的傳奇。

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