一直被聖羅蘭描述她為其「女性分身」的 Betty Catroux,有著纖細的框架,秀直金髮和雌雄同體的魅力,長期以來一直是設計師的靈感繆斯,也是品牌美學的化身,代表了Yves Saint Laurent 心中的理想女性形象。

©Steven Meisel

©Steven Meisel

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - SEPTEMBER 10: French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent posing in front of his new shop in Bond Street on September 10, 1969 in London, United Kingdom. He is with two model friends Betty Catroux (left) and Loulou De La Falaise - It was the first ready-to-wear shop that the fashion designer had opened in London and he called it Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, as his first shop in Paris. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - SEPTEMBER 10: French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent posing in front of his new shop in Bond Street on September 10, 1969 in London, United Kingdom. He is with two model friends Betty Catroux (left) and Loulou De La Falaise - It was the first ready-to-wear shop that the fashion designer had opened in London and he called it Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, as his first shop in Paris. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

Betty Catroux and Yves Saint Laurent in Central Park, New York, 1968 Photograph Maurice Hogenboom

Betty Catroux and Yves Saint Laurent in Central Park, New York, 1968 Photograph Maurice Hogenboom

是次展覽繼續由 Saint Laurent 創意總監 Anthony Vaccarello 親自負責策展,是由即日起至 2021年8月15日 於上海當代藝術館展出。對 Anthony Vaccarello 而言, Betty 依然是他當代的靈感繆斯,因此他本人對 Betty Catroux 的時尚風格有著深刻見解,將會透過是次主題展覽展示 Betty 獨特的個性以及其對品牌的影響。

©David Sims

©David Sims

無需贅言,Betty 就是聖羅蘭的化身。那是一種誘惑、 一份神秘,有近乎『邪惡』的一面,也有一種難以捉摸卻又令人嚮往的特質,而所有這些都是品牌光環的內核之所在。當你見到 Betty,就會明白這一切有多麼重要。她鮮活的存在,證明品牌經典永存,永保活力。

Anthony Vaccarello

Photo courtesy of MoCA Shanghai

Photo courtesy of MoCA Shanghai

在過去三十多年每逢時裝展結束,Betty Catroux 都會挑選能反映她個性和作為現代女性的作品加以珍藏。2019年,Betty Catroux 向皮埃爾·貝爾傑-伊夫·聖羅蘭基金會慷慨捐贈了部分珍藏品,在是次展覽能看見天橋的原型作品。

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