2015年 Alessandro Michele 掌舵 Gucci 的時候,艷麗奢華極繁主義風格嶄露頭角,所有怪異奇特的新輪廓、大膽瘋狂的顏色搭配、豐富的印花還有充滿層次感的細節褶邊設計,滿滿的創意才華溢滿整個時裝界,讓過去稱霸的極簡主義漸行漸遠。

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 29: A model walks the runway during the Balenciaga Ready to Wear Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 29, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 29: A model walks the runway during the Balenciaga Ready to Wear Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 29, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

可是到了今年2019,根據 Bain & Company 對奢侈品牌的研究顯示,儘管 Demna Gvasalisa 為 Balenciaga 所設計 ugly sneaker 及 Off White 的濃厚街頭風格仍是潮流趨勢的主流,是年輕消費者的主要目標,可是市場另一端則對「精緻」時裝趨之若騖,因此低調的極簡主義品牌的銷售增長完全趕上極繁主義的奢侈品牌,據 Bain & Company 的合夥人 Federica Levato 也表示所有摩登輪廓的套裝也被歸類為極簡主義的範疇。雖然該公司並沒有公開其品牌名稱,但是答案顯然易見:新創意總監 Daniel Lee 所入主的 Bottega Veneta。

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 26: Georgina Grenville walks the runway during the Off-White Womenswear Spring/Summer 2020 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 26, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 26: Georgina Grenville walks the runway during the Off-White Womenswear Spring/Summer 2020 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 26, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: (EDITOR'S NOTE: Image contains nudity.) Models walk the runway at the Gucci Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show during Milan Fashion Week on September 22, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images for Gucci)

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: (EDITOR'S NOTE: Image contains nudity.) Models walk the runway at the Gucci Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show during Milan Fashion Week on September 22, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images for Gucci)

無論是 Bottega Veneta 驚人的銷售數字,還是品牌創意總監 Daniel Lee 一口氣奪走今年2019 Fashion Award 的四大時裝獎項,裏裏外外都充分地證明其品牌成功地佔據市場重要的位置。


MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: A model walks the runway at the Gucci Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show during Milan Fashion Week on September 22, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty Images for Gucci)

MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: A model walks the runway at the Gucci Spring/Summer 2020 fashion show during Milan Fashion Week on September 22, 2019 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty Images for Gucci)

對於品牌風格的定位,不能單靠一兩個系列便以偏概全地設計師的風格,而極簡主義的時裝也並非大家眼見般簡單,背後包含對服飾剪裁、紙樣設計,或是輪廓結構與身體之間的空間和關係等等,才能貫徹極簡主義在時裝上,而品牌的風格便隨之突出,最好的例子便是2000年後期出自 Phoebe Philo 之手的 Celine 還有近期的 Gucci。

如今極繁主義市場略顯放緩,其主要原因是因為品牌知道一味強調過去歷史價值及傳統手工藝已經不合時宜,反而其品牌設計價值,也是Federica Levato 所稱為的“post-aspirational” 時代。因此時下的消費者通過自身價值與品牌價值產生共鳴,也許在文化大熔爐中,風格立場不需要對立,最為重要的是如何呈現出鮮明的個人風格為自己表態。