Grace Kelly 是有史以來最具魅力的演員之一,在1952年《Wester High Noon》中驚的艷演出而在荷里活嶄露頭角,並在1950年代初到中期取得了豐碩演藝成果。而無人得知這位優秀典雅的演員,竟然在10年後成舉世矚目的摩納哥王妃,並與摩納哥王子雷尼爾三世結婚。

American actors Edmond O'Brien (1915 - 1985) and Grace Kelly (1929 - 1982) celebrate their wins at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles, 30th March 1955. O'Brien won Best Supporting Actor for his role in 'The Barefoot Contessa', while Kelly won Best Actress for her role in the 1954 film 'The Country Girl'. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

American actors Edmond O'Brien (1915 - 1985) and Grace Kelly (1929 - 1982) celebrate their wins at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles, 30th March 1955. O'Brien won Best Supporting Actor for his role in 'The Barefoot Contessa', while Kelly won Best Actress for her role in the 1954 film 'The Country Girl'. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)


摩納哥王子雷尼爾三世結婚後,正式成為Princess Grace of Monaco 殿下,隨後便立馬​​停止了所有演員工作,但喜歡演藝的她希望有日能夠重返大銀幕。 到1962年,Grace Kelly 獲得著名荷里活導演 Alfred Hitchcock 的邀請出演1962年的《Marnie》,她同意了。

幾週後,摩納哥的王室發言人宣布,這個角色將是摩納哥王妃的最後一個角色。然而到了4月, Grace Kelly 宣布由於檔期衝突,她將退出這部作品,並由演員 Tippi Hedren 取而代之這個位置,與 Sean Connery 演對手戲。

有傳聞指出當時的法國總統 Charles de Gaulle 向雷尼爾王子施壓,讓 Grace Kelly 退出這部作品,因為摩納哥的公民討厭他們的公主在屏幕上扮演一個強迫症小偷的角色,這標誌 Grace Kelly 在荷里活演藝生涯的結束。

The big movie star Grace Kelly photographed in her bridal dress in a frescoed gallery within the Prince's Palace, just before the wedding ceremony where she will marry Ranier III of Monaco, becoming princess of the Principality. Monaco, April 18th, 1956. (Photo by Mondadori via Getty Images)

The big movie star Grace Kelly photographed in her bridal dress in a frescoed gallery within the Prince's Palace, just before the wedding ceremony where she will marry Ranier III of Monaco, becoming princess of the Principality. Monaco, April 18th, 1956. (Photo by Mondadori via Getty Images)


雖然 Grace Kelly 和雷尼爾王子的求婚看起來很浪漫,但實際上為了成為摩納哥王妃,Grace Kelly 需要花費數百萬美元出嫁。Grace Kelly 放棄了自己的事業,並漂洋過海來到法國 Riviera,當她和王子在1956年喜結連理時,她還必須向他支付數百萬美元。Grace Kelly 和家人不得不湊齊200萬美元的巨額嫁妝來支付婚禮的費用。處於世界大戰二戰結束不久之後,全球各地的經濟仍處於復甦狀態,而摩納哥的國庫大多是空空如也。不過幸運的是,Grace Kelly 的父親是奧運金牌得主 Jack Kelly,同時擁有一間極為成功的磚頭公司為 Grace Kelly 支付。

American actress Grace Kelly (1929 - 1982), circa 1955. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)

American actress Grace Kelly (1929 - 1982), circa 1955. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)


除了當今的哈里王子和梅根的閃婚之外,當年 Grace Kelly 和摩納哥王子的戀情也猶如旋風式般展開。兩人第一次見面的是1955年,當時摩納哥王子正在康城與政要會面,並率領美國代表參加年度康城影展,促成兩人戀情的浪漫邂逅。然而匆忙結婚的王室婚禮並沒有童話般美滿結局。蜜月期間雷尼爾三世就已經到處沾花惹草,而當時身懷六甲的 Grace Kelly 也只能成為籠中鳥被限制行為、被王室監視。


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