
虎尾蘭 Snake Plant


富貴竹 Lucky Bamboo

Bamboo set in a vase with green marbles.

Bamboo set in a vase with green marbles.


吊蘭 Spider Plant


無花果樹 Fig Tree

UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 27: Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata), Moraceae. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 27: Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata), Moraceae. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)


白鶴芋 Peace Lily

A Peace Lily blooming in a greenhouse.

A Peace Lily blooming in a greenhouse.

屬於盆栽植物,最適合陽光與陰涼參半的環境,雖然陽光越多開花數量也越多,需要 7日至10日淋水一次。

蔓綠絨 Philodendron

UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 27: Satin pothos or Silver philodendron (Scindapsus pictus Argyraeus), Araceae. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 27: Satin pothos or Silver philodendron (Scindapsus pictus Argyraeus), Araceae. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)


多肉植物 Succulent


盆栽榕樹 Ficus Tree


君子蘭 Clivia

Details of a Natal lily flower (Clivia miniata).

Details of a Natal lily flower (Clivia miniata).


蘭花 Orchid


龜背竹 Monstera Deliciosa

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This Thai Constellation monstera has had three of its leaf unfurls time lapsed. The previous leaf was fully opened in August 2019 so no sign of the next leaf occurred until February 2020. While it may be tempting to say it was dormant during the winter, the fact that the first sign of growth was *observed* in Feb means that the overall process began many weeks prior – just like how you won't visually notice a pregnancy until week 12-16. So, my Thai Constellation was definitely "growing during winter". Plants grown exclusively indoors are not necessarily dormant/resting during winter and growing only spring and summer. Therefore, for indoor plants, fertilize when you observe new growth, not "because it's spring." – In pest news: through all of 2019, I was battling thrips on this plant, resulting in patchy damage on the leaves. From my close inspection of the new leaf, I don't see any thrips larvae so I'm hopeful they're gone! ~ ~ #houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantclub #plantdad #monstera #monsteramonday #monsteradeliciosa #monsterathaiconstellation #thaiconstellation #aroid #aroidaddicts #leaflove #timelapse #planttimelapse #planttherapy #plantlife

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綠蘿 Pothos Plants/ Devil’s ivy


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