Princess Anne
個性爽朗的安妮長公主是第一位參加奧運會的英國王室成員。1976年,在為期三天的蒙特利爾(Montreal)第21屆夏季奧林匹克運動會馬術比賽中,安妮公主騎着母親英女皇伊丽莎白二世的馬 Goodwill。另外,安妮公主也曾經在1971與1975年的歐洲馬術賽事上,榮獲共1面金牌、2面銀牌的好成績。1988年,她成為國際奧林匹克委員會成員。

HRH Princess Anne, The Princess Royal aboard Goodwill during the Mixed Three-Day Event Team Cross-Country at the XXI Olympic Summer Games on 24 July 1976 at the Olympic Equestrian Centre, Bromont, Québec, Canada.
Captain Mark Phillips
安妮公主的前夫馬克菲利普斯(Captain Mark Phillips)在1972 年奧運會上,隨英國馬術隊奪得金牌,個人排名第 35 位。

Captain Mark Phillips At The Olympic Games, Munich, Germany (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
Zara Tindall
安妮公主及前夫熱愛馬術的基因,更潛移默化影響了下一代。他們的女兒 Zara Tindall 便是一位專業的馬術選手,當然還是時裝界及廣告界的寵。Zara 在2006年奪下馬術全能賽世界冠軍,並被大眾投票當選為2006年度BBC體育人物(其母親安妮公主在1971年也曾獲得此殊榮)。越戰越勇的她,在2012倫敦奧運代表英國出賽,勇奪團體賽銀牌。

Zara Phillips wears her London 2012 Olympic silver medal as she and her fellow team eventing medal winners parade at the Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials on September 9, 2012 in Woodstock, England.
Charlene, Princess of Monaco
因為母親是游泳教練,摩納哥夏琳親王妃(Charlene, Princess of Monaco)也有優良運動基因。在嫁給摩納哥親王阿爾貝二世之前,夏琳王妃是南非奧運會游泳女子選手,被譽為「南非美人魚」的她,曾經參加了 2000 年澳洲悉尼夏季奧運會的游泳比賽,在 4×100 混合泳接力決賽中獲得第5名的佳績。

SYNDEY, AUSTRALIA - SEPTEMBER 17: (Special Fee Applies. Call for pricing) Charlene Wittstock of South Africa in action during the Women's 100 metres backstroke at the Olympic Aquatic Centre on September 17, 2000 during the 200 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Touchline/Getty Images)
Prince Albert II of Monaco

WHISTLER, BC - FEBRUARY 21: Prince Albert II of Monaco (C) poses with Monaco 1 members Patrice Servelle and Sebastien Gattuso (R) during the Two-Man Bobsleigh Heat 4 on day 10 of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics at the Whistler Sliding Centre on February 21, 2010 in Whistler, Canada. (Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images)
King Felipe VI of Spain
Then-Prince Felipe VI, photographed sailing at 30th July, 1995.
Princess Cristina of Spain
西班牙國王費利佩(King Felipe)的妹妹克里斯蒂娜公主(Princess Cristina of Spain)曾是 1988 年韓國首爾奧運會西班牙帆船隊的成員,還在開幕式上舉過西班牙國旗。

Princess Cristina of Spain on board of the "Azur de Puig" during the second day of The Breitling Sailing Cup on July 24, 2004 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
(Photo by Carlos Alvarez /Getty Images)