Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Body Suit , Chanel

Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Body Suit , Chanel

Chanel J12 Watch Black Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Coco Crush Quilted motif ring, small version, in 18K white gold, Coco Crush Quilted motif two-finger ring in 18K white and rose gold All Chanel Blazer , Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch Black Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Coco Crush Quilted motif ring, small version, in 18K white gold, Coco Crush Quilted motif two-finger ring in 18K white and rose gold All Chanel Blazer , Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Black Shirt, and pants, Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Black Shirt, and pants, Chanel.

Coco Crush Quilted motif two-finger ring in 18K white and rose gold, Chanel.

Coco Crush Quilted motif two-finger ring in 18K white and rose gold, Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Black Shirt , White Shirt and Skirt, Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch White Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. Black Shirt , White Shirt and Skirt, Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch Black Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. White Shirt , Chanel.

Chanel J12 Watch Black Highly Resistant Ceramic and Steel. White Shirt , Chanel.

Photographer: Leungmo
Stylist: Lois Leung
Makeup Artist: San Chan @ Zing The Makeup School
Hair Stylist: Hei Tai Cheung
Manicurist: Pinky Ho
Model: Vlada L. @ Synergy
Producer: Katherine Ho
Fashion Assistant: Foxla C
Location: The Ritz Carlton Hong Kong