
今次更找來了香港女團 Super Girls 成員 Heidi 帶領大家一起體驗這些新式的素食餐廳,而沒有吃素習慣的 Heidi 初次與 VOGUE HONG KONG 尋找香港的綠色味道:「雖然偶爾會與朋友到素食 cafe 嘗試素食,但經過今日一番體驗後,讓我印象最深刻的是 Avobar。那間以牛油果為主題的餐廳,而我自己本身就也喜歡吃牛油果。不僅餐廳裝潢美觀,就連素食的賣相和味道也意想不到地不錯!」

因此這趟旅程似乎改變了 Heidi 對素食的看法:「一直以來都認為素食多以麵根製作的舊式食品,如今吃素食除了健康之外,菜餚也變得多了選擇、新潮很多,希望未來自己會探索多點素食美食。」


牛油果天堂 Avobar

Avobar Cobb Salad
Avobar Avo bun beef (avocado bun with pulled beef, tomato salsa & salsa verde)
Avobar The ultimate avo toast (sliced avocado, guacamole, poached eggs, alongside avocado lime jam and sourdough toast)
Avobar Interiors
Avobar Interiors
Avobar Cobb Salad
Avobar Avo bun beef (avocado bun with pulled beef, tomato salsa & salsa verde)
Avobar The ultimate avo toast (sliced avocado, guacamole, poached eggs, alongside avocado lime jam and sourdough toast)
Avobar Interiors
Avobar Interiors
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尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號 K11 Musea B2樓B201-4號舖; avobar.hk

法式素食 Ma…and The Seeds of Life

Ma…and The Seeds of Life Grilled King Oyster Scallops
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Passionfruit cheesecake
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Cheese platter
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Rilettes of san-salmon on cucumber boats with sour cream
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Interiors
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Grilled King Oyster Scallops
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Passionfruit cheesecake
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Cheese platter
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Rilettes of san-salmon on cucumber boats with sour cream
Ma…and The Seeds of Life Interiors
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廚師 Tina Barrett SoHo帶來了擁有法國高級餐廳格調的素食,創造了美味而健康的菜餚。Tina 的招牌菜之一,烤蠔王和扇貝,完美地概括了作為一道美味而精緻的菜餚,同時擁有滿分的營養價值。蠔王蘑菇和扇貝都含有高蛋白和豐富的硒,是一種強大的抗氧化劑。同時,紅甜椒泥、花椰菜玉米粉和紅捲心菜提供了大量的維生素,與煨大蒜共同發揮作用,給免疫系統帶來了活力。這家精緻的餐廳還提供一些生食素食菜餚,包括芝士蛋糕、紅蘿蔔鷹嘴豆泥、白色 chiaviar 和曬乾的番茄。

中環嘉咸街23號H18 Conet1樓11號舖; marestaurant.com.hk

健康快餐 404 Plant

404 Plant A selection of bagels and drinks with cheese fries and salad
404 Plant Roasted garlic tomato spaghetti
404 Plant Wild black (charcoal bagel, truffle mayo, wild mushroom, mozzarella cheese, hash brown, caramel onion, frisée)
404 Plant Interiors
404 Plant Interior decor
404 Plant A selection of bagels and drinks with cheese fries and salad
404 Plant Roasted garlic tomato spaghetti
404 Plant Wild black (charcoal bagel, truffle mayo, wild mushroom, mozzarella cheese, hash brown, caramel onion, frisée)
404 Plant Interiors
404 Plant Interior decor
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404 Plant是一家隱藏在上環的別緻時尚的咖啡店,從其獨特的藍色品牌設計和符合 instagram審美的裝飾充滿可愛無厘頭的風格元素。整個看似速食快餐菜單採用100%的植物性食品,提供從自製奶昔和冰激凌到,甜鹹兼備的bagels、沙律等。404 Plant 更展現出可持續的飲食態度和方向,完美地概括了這種有意識的、好玩的飲食心態,客人可以欣賞和享受集健康、素食、咖啡店為一身的餐廳。

上環蘇杭街109號地下; 404plant.hk

營養師主理 Grain of Salt

Grain of Salt Chia-up pudding
Grain of Salt Gear Up latte
Grain of Salt Signature salad (kale, avocado, quinoa, pickled carrots, cucumbers, topped with nori and almond butter dressing)
Grain of Salt Souper dumplings (shiitake and tofu stuffed dumplings in a mushroom broth)
Grain of Salt Interiors
Grain of Salt Chia-up pudding
Grain of Salt Gear Up latte
Grain of Salt Signature salad (kale, avocado, quinoa, pickled carrots, cucumbers, topped with nori and almond butter dressing)
Grain of Salt Souper dumplings (shiitake and tofu stuffed dumplings in a mushroom broth)
Grain of Salt Interiors
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今年1月開業的Grain of Salt是香港第一家由營養師經營的咖啡店,這裏的菜餚不僅健康而美麗,更有擁有科學依據和專業知識的營養師把關。由Tiffany Shek創辦,提供了無數的早餐,包括牛油果多士、「綠蛋無火腿」、奇亞籽布丁和 “Soup-er” 素食餃子。每道菜都經過Tiffany 在營養學方面的專業知識的調整和重新設計,使菜餚充滿了維生素、健康脂肪和當然的美味。客人甚至可以掃描菜單底部的二維碼,查看每道菜的衡量的營養價值和卡路里。而湯圓的可溶性纖維和異黃酮含量也很高,裏面塞滿了香菇和豆腐,然後在健康、營養的湯汁中食用,而奇亞籽布丁的歐米伽3和健康脂肪含量很高,並含有有效的微量營養素。

上環歌賦街47號; grainofsalt.co

新派港式點心 LockCha Tea House

LockCha Tea House Fried "prawn" rolls
LockCha Tea House Dimsum selection
LockCha Tea House Dimsum selection
LockCha Tea House Admiralty interiors
LockCha Tea House Admiralty interiors
LockCha Tea House Fried "prawn" rolls
LockCha Tea House Dimsum selection
LockCha Tea House Dimsum selection
LockCha Tea House Admiralty interiors
LockCha Tea House Admiralty interiors
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點心是香港傳統而特色的美食,是一種獨特的飲食體驗,在這個城市的飲食界注入了文化氣息。俯瞰大館的庭院,Lock Cha Tea House是一家傳統的、粵式的風味,提供清一色素食的點心。從炸蝦卷、燒賣到春捲,每道美味的菜餚都是用素食替代的肉類。另外 LockCha Tea House 與精心採購的茶農密切合作,以確保毫不妥協的質量。從種植技術到包裝,每一步都秉承着可持續發展的宗旨,以獲得精緻、正宗的中國茶。

中環中環荷李活道10號大館1座 01-G07 舖 lockcha.com

夢幻飲品 Mother Pearl

Mother Pearl La La Love (lavender oolong tea with oat cashew mylk, chia seeds, activated charcoal tapioca, dried lavender and lavender rice froth)
Mother Pearl Jasmine pearl (phoenix pearl jasmine tea with nata de coco, turmeric tapioca, monkfruit sugar and vanilla rice froth)
Mother Pearl Very berry crush (mixed berries slush, phoenix pearl jasmine tea, monkfruit sugar jelly, acai tapioca and vanilla rice froth)
Mother Pearl Taro mo-latte (oat cashew mylk, taro paste, blackstrap molasses and activated charcoal tapioca)
Mother Pearl Shop front
Mother Pearl La La Love (lavender oolong tea with oat cashew mylk, chia seeds, activated charcoal tapioca, dried lavender and lavender rice froth)
Mother Pearl Jasmine pearl (phoenix pearl jasmine tea with nata de coco, turmeric tapioca, monkfruit sugar and vanilla rice froth)
Mother Pearl Very berry crush (mixed berries slush, phoenix pearl jasmine tea, monkfruit sugar jelly, acai tapioca and vanilla rice froth)
Mother Pearl Taro mo-latte (oat cashew mylk, taro paste, blackstrap molasses and activated charcoal tapioca)
Mother Pearl Shop front
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Mother Pearl 是Po Chen 的心血結晶,為每個喜歡喝珍珠奶茶的香港人特別設計,讓波霸奶茶也能提供營養豐富的植物性替代品。Mother Pearl 是第一個也是唯一一個從頭開始製作所有原料的泡沫茶機構,包括一系列使用巴西莓、薑黃和辣木的超級食物浸泡的珍珠,而Lakanto monk果則作為飲料的無罪甜味劑。如果你覺得餓了,想吃更多的東西,還可以提供一份濃縮的素食小吃和烘焙食品,包括煙熏胡椒芝士烤餅和富含纖維的杏仁餅乾,並有草藥和營養酵母的味道。

中環擺花街23-39號中環大厦地舖; motherpearl.world

綠色旅行的概念 Treehouse

Treehouse Flatbreads
Treehouse Salad grain bowls
Treehouse Walnut brownie (dark chocolate, walnuts, raw cane sugar, flaxseed meal, tapioca flour, wheat flour and sea salt)
Treehouse Reef burger (grilled tempeh, spiced tofu, pickled cucumbers, pickled onion and chipotle sauce)
Treehouse Interiors
Treehouse Flatbreads
Treehouse Salad grain bowls
Treehouse Walnut brownie (dark chocolate, walnuts, raw cane sugar, flaxseed meal, tapioca flour, wheat flour and sea salt)
Treehouse Reef burger (grilled tempeh, spiced tofu, pickled cucumbers, pickled onion and chipotle sauce)
Treehouse Interiors
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Treehouse 的座右銘是 「你是怎麼樣的人取決於你吃什麼。」,它通過在一個周到、保護意識的餐廳提供飽腹而有營養的食物,溫和地提醒消費者選擇的重要性。 Treehouse以健康、衛生的原料和廚師主導的菜餚為根基,還通過有意識的道德設計和環保包裝來強調可持續性。這家乾淨、溫暖的餐廳提供了一系列素食和無麩質的選擇,菜品的靈感來自於個人的旅行,包括靈感來自於Tel Aviv 的 Banyan 扁麵包和向日本風味致敬的素食拉麵。還提供健康果汁和排毒飲料,而每道菜的性質確保了快速、有效的準備和食用時間,以便在旅途中可以隨手可得的健康菜餚。
砵甸乍街45號The Steps ‧ H Code地下1號舖; treehouse.eco

素食速成班 Tea Academïcs Central

Tea Academïcs Beetroot pancake
Tea Academïcs Selection of dishes
Tea Academïcs Paratha omelette
Tea Academïcs Blush tea (pink chamomile)
Tea Academïcs Interiors
Tea Academïcs Beetroot pancake
Tea Academïcs Selection of dishes
Tea Academïcs Paratha omelette
Tea Academïcs Blush tea (pink chamomile)
Tea Academïcs Interiors
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Tea Academïcs Central 最新概念之一是以茶作為植物性食物的主軸,新穎的特製茶葉打造出具有與眾不同的植物性菜餚。咖啡店內標誌性的茶基拿鐵是用植物性牛奶製作的,而充滿活力的菜餚包括霓虹粉色煎餅,便以超級食品甜菜根和椰子製成,為身體提供健康的脂肪元素;而素食basque 芝士蛋糕和新鮮出爐的糕點能夠滿足甜食愛好者的渴望。

中環皇后大道中31號陸海通大廈1樓; the-coffeeacademics.com

滿足甜食愛好者 Vego Coffee

Vego Coffee Black truffle pate, portobello and cheese Impossible burger
Vego Coffee Baked goods selection
Vego Coffee Bagel, Impossible patty, salad and fresh fruit selection
Vego Coffee Latte
Vego Coffee Black truffle pate, portobello and cheese Impossible burger
Vego Coffee Black truffle pate, portobello and cheese Impossible burger
Vego Coffee Baked goods selection
Vego Coffee Bagel, Impossible patty, salad and fresh fruit selection
Vego Coffee Latte
Vego Coffee Black truffle pate, portobello and cheese Impossible burger
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如果你是個甜食愛好者,Vego Coffee 以令人驚嘆的素食烘焙食品而聞名,包括由無花果、榴蓮、芒果等製成的藝術裝飾蛋糕,以及一系列標準烘焙食品如香蕉麵包和巧克力布朗尼。除了甜食之外,這家100%植物性食堂還提供從三明治和捲餅到植物性芝士 pizza 的所有食物:值得注意的菜餚包括「蟹肉」牛油果和柚子捲餅以及黑松露醬、波蘿和芝士漢堡,以更健康和有意識的方式來滿足你對食物的渴望。

尖沙咀柯士甸道154-156號花園大廈7B號鋪; @vegocoffee

運動後美食 Youni

Youni Chicken bowl
Youni Chicken bowl
Youni Chicken caesar and egg wrap
Youni Salmon kale salad with avocado
Youni Korean buddha bowl
Youni Chicken bowl
Youni Chicken bowl
Youni Chicken caesar and egg wrap
Youni Salmon kale salad with avocado
Youni Korean buddha bowl
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Youni 所提供膳食計劃和新鮮製作的菜餚,是運動後用餐的完美選擇,也是滋養和平衡的午間提神食品。由專業的營養師團隊制定了季節性菜單,而定制的營養餐計劃也可以根據個人的具體目標和需要進行調整。無論你是想瘦身、增肌,還是僅僅想走上更健康的生活方式之路。

中環皇后大道中139號The L. Place 16樓; youni.com.hk


Art Direction: Kat Yeung
Photography: Issac Lam
Starring: Heidi Lee
Producer: Carina Fischer & Katherine Ho
Makeup Artist: Melody
Hair Stylist: Terrence
Fashion Assistant: Foxla Chiu

In Partnership with Hong Kong Tourism Board