你有沒有想過 Elon Musk 與 Jeff Bezos 這兩位全世界最有錢的兆億富翁怎麼花錢,他們投資於商業利益、昂貴的玩具,以及凡人如你我根本不知道可以花錢買到的東西。

過去幾年,Jeff Bezos 因為一天可以賺數百萬美元,成為第一個資產達到 2000 億美元的人,也多次闖關成功成為第一個兆億富翁,每次都登上頭條新聞,兆億這個數字遠超過我們想像的範圍,意思是一萬個一億美金,這是即使貝佐斯過再奢華的生活,也是十幾輩子也花不完的金額。如果貝佐斯已經如此,更何況 Tesla 的 Elon Musk 比他還富有呢。但是這兩個兆億富翁不僅很會賺錢,他們還可以讓錢滾錢,創造更鉅額的商業利益,以至於他們買的奢華大玩具相對商業獲利之下真的是小意思,但跟我們凡人比起來,可能是一輩子都賺不到的金額。

Jeff Bezos 最昂貴的消費


NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 06: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE, SPECIAL RATES APPLY) Kendall Jenner, Jeff Bezos and Jared Leto attend The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Kevin Tachman/MG19/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 06: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE, SPECIAL RATES APPLY) Kendall Jenner, Jeff Bezos and Jared Leto attend The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Kevin Tachman/MG19/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 07: Jeff Bezos speaks onstage during the 2021 People's Choice Awards at Barker Hangar on December 07, 2021 in Santa Monica, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for DJ)

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 07: Jeff Bezos speaks onstage during the 2021 People's Choice Awards at Barker Hangar on December 07, 2021 in Santa Monica, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for DJ)

1/ Gulfstream G650ER 私人噴射機


Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

Photo courtesy of Gulfstream

從80年代開始,Gulfstream私人噴射機是華爾街達人與世界首富為了出差或旅行而必須添購的較量炫富行頭,Jeff Bezos 當然也不例外,他的 650ER 是目前天空上最昂貴的人噴射機 ,空機要價$6500萬美金,機艙像是個空中豪宅,除了有臥房,還有三個上圖空中客廳大小的空間。不過目前 Gulfstream 最新的 G700 光是空機價就要 $7500 萬美金,今年估計可以正式銷售,會比 650R 又多了一個起居室,以 Bezos 離婚後跟新女友過的超級張揚奢華派對生活,應該很快就會換 G700。

2/ 紐約市區標誌系大樓的四套豪宅



有錢人當然是在市區精華地段住宅大樓裡享有豪宅,Bezos也是,只是他在第五大道著名的熨斗造型大樓裡擁有的不只是一戶,而是四戶,耗資超過一億美金,根據《華盛頓郵報》報導,Bezos 已經決定將四套豪宅打通,而且正好位於最高的兩層樓,堪稱紐約最令人羨慕的Penthouse豪宅。紐約的豪宅雖然很標誌性,但是貝佐斯的房產卻當然要誇張更多,例如他去年才花了2.45億美金買下了洛杉磯的泳池花園豪邸,價格是90年代屋主購入的五倍。


是的,Bezos 在媒體上也有權力。2013年,亞馬遜CEO收購了《華盛頓郵報》所屬的集團,該公司屬於Graham家族4代擁有,為此他斥資2.5億美元。

4/ Blue Origin 太空計畫

VAN HORN, TEXAS - JULY 20: Blue Origin’s New Shepard crew (L-R) Oliver Daemen, Jeff Bezos, Wally Funk, and Mark Bezos pose for a picture after flying into space in the Blue Origin New Shepard on July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Mr. Bezos and the crew that flew with him were the first human spaceflight for the company. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

VAN HORN, TEXAS - JULY 20: Blue Origin’s New Shepard crew (L-R) Oliver Daemen, Jeff Bezos, Wally Funk, and Mark Bezos pose for a picture after flying into space in the Blue Origin New Shepard on July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Mr. Bezos and the crew that flew with him were the first human spaceflight for the company. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

VAN HORN, TEXAS - JULY 20: Blue Origin’s New Shepard lifts-off from the launch pad carrying Jeff Bezos along with his brother Mark Bezos, 18-year-old Oliver Daemen, and 82-year-old Wally Funk on July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Mr. Bezos and the crew are riding in the first human spaceflight for the company. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

VAN HORN, TEXAS - JULY 20: Blue Origin’s New Shepard lifts-off from the launch pad carrying Jeff Bezos along with his brother Mark Bezos, 18-year-old Oliver Daemen, and 82-year-old Wally Funk on July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Mr. Bezos and the crew are riding in the first human spaceflight for the company. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

2000年時流行華爾街肥貓(華爾街金融巨富) 的說法,也就是跨國大企業董事長或總經理用公司幾千萬資金購買私人飛機,這跟 Bezos 相比顯得太小家子氣了,因為插手的可是太空飛行計畫Blue Origin的火箭與太空梭,光是2017年就向該機構挹注了 10 億美元,但買單的其實是Amazon集團,一個股票公開發行公司,史上應該沒有哪個富翁可以因此擁有自己的太空梭。Bezos 曾表示,每次有人在亞馬遜上買東西,都是在幫Blue Origin融資。

5/ 冰淇淋機


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儘管 Bezos 擁有世界上很多國家中央銀行都印不夠的錢,他還是有某些很基本的品味,例如冰淇淋。去年,他買了一台高級餐廳等級的冰淇淋製造機,本來就想跟新女友在家安靜享受就好,誰知道CVT Soft Serve 公司在其社交媒體上貼文:「我剛剛運送了冰淇淋,主人家裡有一台24小時都能製作冰淇淋的CVT機器。謝謝你Jeff Bezos,成為CVTeeny的第一個家庭客戶。」直接公開富豪在家低調的喜好。

Elon Musk 怎麼花錢

HAWTHORNE-CA-MAY 29: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk unveils the company's new manned spacecraft, The Dragon V2, designed to carry astronauts into space during a news conference on May 29, 2014, in Hawthorne, California. The private spaceflight company has been flying unmanned capsules to the Space Station delivering cargo for the past two years. The Dragon V2 manned spacecraft will ferry up to seven astronauts to low-Earth orbit. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

HAWTHORNE-CA-MAY 29: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk unveils the company's new manned spacecraft, The Dragon V2, designed to carry astronauts into space during a news conference on May 29, 2014, in Hawthorne, California. The private spaceflight company has been flying unmanned capsules to the Space Station delivering cargo for the past two years. The Dragon V2 manned spacecraft will ferry up to seven astronauts to low-Earth orbit. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 07: Elon Musk and Grimes attend the Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 7, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 07: Elon Musk and Grimes attend the Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 7, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

2018年 10月,Elon Musk在Twitter貼文:「你們應該問我為什麼需要錢」,內文則是:「原因不是你想的那樣。我花在娛樂的時間很少,沒有打算給自己買度假豪宅或豪華遊艇,我打算把一半的財富用在解救地球問題,一半則用於在火星上打造一個確保人類與物種自給自足的生態環境,以防地球再度遭遇讓恐龍滅亡的流星撞地球災難,或者是第三次世界大戰發生,人類自我毀滅。」

看到這裡,大家應該猜想到全球首富馬斯克絕對在花錢上沒有Amazon貝佐斯那樣揮霍,因為他不只一次強調他這輩子希望能在2050年前於火星上建立一個擁有 100 萬人口的自給自足城市,而如果換算當前向火星運送一噸貨物可能需要 10 萬美元的估計下,貝佐斯還沒有累積足夠的資產。這或許是他一直被認為只會工作不懂得享受人生的工作狂。那他的錢都花在那裡呢?

6/ SpaceX

上個月日本億萬富翁前澤友作的太空旅行就是搭SpaceX 到國際太空站,這家公司不僅製造火箭,還製造 Elon Musk 想讓地球與外太空連接的衛星,這也是 Elon Musk 目前投資最大的計畫,據估計超過40億美金,但是如今市值超過一千億以上。

5/ 海灣豪宅

馬斯克在去年擁有的房產只有加州洛杉磯西邊海灣區Bel Air的一棟莊邸,有七件臥室、九套衛浴,價值約1700萬美元。後來他表示不再打算在地球上置產 ( 應該是到火星退休 ),甚至正打算把Bel Air的豪宅賣掉。

6/ 獵鷹 15火箭

建造太空火箭並不容易,馬斯克用他公司的改裝零件製造了獵鷹 9 號火箭 ( Falcon 9 ),但對於正在著手的獵鷹 15 號來說有點不同,Elon Musk 想要更巨大的太空飛行器來實現人類太空旅行的夢想,而Falcon 15原型機已經耗資1.5億美金。

Gulfstream G650ER SN 6276私人飛機

這是 Elon Musk 唯一贏過貝佐斯的消費,同樣是Gulfstream 650ER,但是卻為了他長年飛行的需求而加大工作空間與通訊配備升級,價格是七千萬美金。

Solar City集團

這是 Elon Musk 擁有的眾多公司之一,這家公司位於加州,致力於製造太陽能電池板,跟火星計畫也是有很大關係,Elon Musk 投資了 35 億美元。

HAWTHORNE-CA-MAY 29: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk unveils the company's new manned spacecraft, The Dragon V2, designed to carry astronauts into space during a news conference on May 29, 2014, in Hawthorne, California. The private spaceflight company has been flying unmanned capsules to the International Space Station delivering cargo for the past two years. The Dragon V2 will ferry up to seven astronauts to low-Earth orbit. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

HAWTHORNE-CA-MAY 29: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk unveils the company's new manned spacecraft, The Dragon V2, designed to carry astronauts into space during a news conference on May 29, 2014, in Hawthorne, California. The private spaceflight company has been flying unmanned capsules to the International Space Station delivering cargo for the past two years. The Dragon V2 will ferry up to seven astronauts to low-Earth orbit. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)


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