

與中島美嘉的一次獨家訪談:希望以歌聲帶給大家力量!| Chat Room | Vogue Hong Kong

    天后中島美嘉 @mikanakashimaSMEJ 上月驚喜訪港,並與 #voguehongkong 進行一場獨家訪談,分享終於要來香港舉行個人演唱會的喜悅,也娓娓道來出道22年的心路歷程。當問到如何面對生活中的各種挑戰,她分享說:「在這樣的時刻,我會把自己交給時間,讓它淡化一切困惑。」時間白驅過隙,如今的中島美嘉魅力依舊,更帶着一份做人處世的個人哲學,從鎂光燈退下來的她,還有一種親和力,話語中充滿了對人生的理解與尊重,同時也流露出對歌唱的無限熱愛,期待她繼續以歌聲給我們帶來力量、愛與希望。Mika,おかえりなさい~
After 22 years in the industry, Japanese popstar and actress Mika Nakashima has grown wiser, her experience translating into a profound understanding of life and being human. During a brief visit to Hong Kong last month, the ever-charming Nakashima sat down for a chat with Vogue Hong Kong, sharing with us her boundless love for singing and some valuable words of advice for navigating life’s challenges. "In such moments, I let time take care of everything and let all the uncertainties fade away”, she says. Read the full interview at Vogue Hong Kong’s official website!

by Harrod To

2 Jan 2024

Video Director: Man Chun
Videographer: Matthew Ma
Producer: Cyrick Leung
Gaffer: Ronald Shek
Project Assistant: Harrod To
Interview: Second Li
Florist: Sense.131
Venue: Hotel ICON
Special Thanks: MikaNakashima_ConcertHK