

專訪英國矚目新聲Henry Moodie:音樂有一種不可言喻的療癒之力,並為大家帶來共鳴!| Chat Room | Vogue Hong Kong

感受青春的節拍,新世代的譜曲!還記得你年輕時曾做着一個怎樣的夢嗎?都說青春的可貴之處在於勇敢實踐所想,為漫長的人生之旅留下深刻的印記。早前英國新星 @HenryMoodie 攜同最新歌曲踏足霓虹閃爍的香港,並與 #voguehongkong 的各位讀者分享他首次來港、音樂創作、逐夢之旅的感受,也大談自己作為Gen Z的內心想法。現在有很多人在串流平台上收聽他的當紅神曲《drunk text》、《pick up the phone》,詞中滿是現今世代關於戀愛、孤寂的心聲。難怪他與本月「The Power of Next 創世之力」一題不謀而合,讓我們現在一同走進Henry Moodie充滿音樂熱誠的世界,細聽一曲青春頌歌! The true value of our youth lies in the courage to turn our dreams into reality, leaving indelible marks on the journey that is life. British rising singer-songwriter Henry Moodie first gained attention on TikTok, covering pop’s most beloved tracks for an online audience that now tunes into his viral hits “Drunk Text”, “Pick Up The Phone”, and “Orbit”. He touched down in Hong Kong for the first time, where he sat down with Vogue Hong Kong to share “The Power of NEXT”, delving into his burning passion for music and what it’s like to be a member of the incomparable Gen Z. #voguehkcelebrity

by Harrod To

2 Jan 2024

Video Director: Man Chun
Producer: Cyrick Leung
Videographer: Matthew Ma
Interview: Alyanna Raissa Javier Payos
Project Assistant: Apple Chan
Jewelry: FRED
Venue: Champagne Bar at Grand Hyatt HK
Special Thanks: @sonymusichk