12 Mar 2024
第17屆亞洲電影大獎 Asian Film Awards Academy X VOGUE HONG KONG STUDIO 紅地氈空前盛況
今年,#voguehongkong 榮幸成為第17屆亞洲電影大獎頒獎典禮 #AsianFilmAwardsAcademy 的指定合作媒體。在繁星似錦的紅地氈上,我們目睹了 #梁朝偉 #TonyLeung 與太太 #劉嘉玲 #CarinaLau共同亮相、金馬獎影帝 #吳慷仁 #KangRenWu 的風采,以及少女時代成員 #KwonYuri 擔任特別嘉賓。#VogueStudioxAFA 的特設空間,由客席主持 #周子駒帶領,與「卓越亞洲電影人大獎」的韓國影后 #李英愛 #LeeYounGae 和日本影帝 #鈴木亮平 #RyoheiheiSuzuki、久未來港的影后 #范冰冰 #BingBingFan 、「亞洲飛躍演員大獎」的泰國男神 #WinMetawin 、「最佳男配角」#朴勳 #HoonPark、「最佳女配角」#梁雍婷 #RachelLeung 等來自國際、亞洲以及本地影星們進行一系列精彩訪談,分享出席電影界盛事的感受,還有各自精心準備的造型。這些精彩瞬間在我們的鏡頭捕捉下,毫無疑問為整場活動添光彩,格外難忘動人。
This year, Vogue Hong Kong had the honour of being the media partner of the 17th Asian Film Awards. On the red carpet, we witnessed the grand arrival of acting legend Tony Leung and his wife Carina Lau, and marvelled at the charm of Golden Horse Best Actor Wu Kang-ren. With Cyrus Chow as our guest host, we shared meaningful conversations with Excellence in Asian Cinema Award recipients Lee Young-ae and Suzuki Ryōhei, as well as icon Fan Bingbing, Thai heartthrob Win Metawin, Best Supporting Actor Park Hoon, Best Supporting Actress Rachel Leung and more. Relive one of the biggest celebrations of Asian cinema through Vogue Hong Kong’s lens!