在 Maria Grazia Chiuri 的秋季成衣系列中,直率、樸素而又極具性感的巴黎人走在 Dior 秀場上。她們的衣櫥大多穿著黑色,以及那些起皺的西裝和連衣裙,巧妙地應對了陰沉的現在和 1950 年代的問題。這是公認的 Christian Dior 的傳奇遺產,沒錯——但正如 Chiuri 所說的那樣,它由一位專注於觀察如何讓過去與今天的女性相關的創意總監進行的「重建」。


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Chiuri 探索 Dior 歷史的獨特之處在於,她認同那些被重新發現的、鮮為人知的穿戴Dior服裝的女性的故事。在我們可能渴望時尚更簡單、更少表演性的時候,今季系列無疑是對鉛筆中長裙以至朴素但有趣的日裝的肯定——她的設計解決方案來自她對三位特立獨行的戰後客戶女性:時裝設計師的妹妹 Catherine Dior 以各種方式出現在秀場上; 左岸歌手兼演員Juliette Gréco,以穿存在主義黑色衣服著稱;還有Edith Piaf,本季 Dior 更在印花 T 恤上寫著她的名曲《Je ne regrette rien》。

Chiuri 將這三位都視為女權主義的先驅。 Catherine Dior 從集中營歸來,成為一名未婚的企業家,儘管她有一段長期的戀愛關係。「我們忘記了,在 50 年代這些女性比我們想像的更自由。」Churi 在預覽中說。然後她補充說:「這也是一種思考我自己的方式。因為在我家,我的母親和祖母都是經歷過二戰的獨立女性。」

Chiuri 的背景是她敏感的另一個關鍵。作為一名意大利人,她為一家傳奇的法國品牌帶來的是一種輕盈感,這種輕盈感成功地簡化了 Dior 廓形並使之現代化,同時又沒有將它們拋棄而褻瀆了品牌。衣服褶皺的表面,幾乎就像是在行李箱裡發現的一堆 New Look 格子西裝、百褶圓裙和 cocktail dress——它們具有令復古外觀,而這是通過超現代面料與金屬線交織而成的. 「Dior 的剪裁非常精確——但這種面料沒有什麼是精確的。」Chiuri 笑著說,並展示了服裝中的「金屬記憶」(metal memory) 如何讓女性可以隨意調整它們以適應自己的身體或心情。

或許最重要的是,Dior Bar 外套的夾縫骨架已成為過去。「我努力讓一切變得輕盈。這是我的 DNA,是我的意大利背景。在地中海附近,你不能穿又厚又熱的衣服。」Chiuri 說。在 Dior 擔任創意總監近 7 年之後,她很高興她對法國人的了解也越來越多。「這是一次種對話,這裡是我們用作印刷品的巴黎地圖。Dior 就是巴黎——而這款是香檳色絲綢!」

也許 Chiuri 成功的一個標誌是她的衣服真的不需要複雜的解釋就可以理解。開場造型的簡約風格或許帶有 Catherine Dior的氣質——一件開領白襯衫,塞進黑色鉛筆裙,以及後來出現的那些模糊的花卉連衣裙。

還有一個黑色皮套,上面覆蓋著激光切割的花朵,偷偷地掛在一件黑色襯衫的一個肩膀上;也許是向 Catherine Dior 的戰友們,即在法國抵抗運動中的所有勇敢女性致敬。Chiuri 對配飾很感興趣:其厚底踝帶鞋採用 Roger Vivier 1947 New Look 系列中著名的Choc高跟鞋進行重製;又有帶有微型埃菲爾鐵塔細節的珠寶,懸掛在戒指和珍珠吊墜中心。

Christian Dior 以帶回浪漫、魅力——甚至時尚本身——而聞名,亦成為歐洲所有女性在經歷毀滅性戰爭後希望和快樂的標誌。Chuiri 也有她自己的方法來鼓勵和提升當今女性的精神。她的系列又委託了葡萄牙藝術家 Joana Vasconcelos 創作的巨大、色彩繽紛的織物雕塑裝置。與其說是裝置,它感覺幾乎像是一個舒適的保護者,或肯定的女性存在,注視著現場的模特兒和觀眾。


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PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Jisoo attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)

PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Jisoo attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)

PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Nattawin Wattagitiphat attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Charlize Theron attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Ayaka Miyoshi attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Gal Gadot attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Zhang Ziyi attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Nattawin Wattagitiphat attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Charlize Theron attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Ayaka Miyoshi attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Gal Gadot attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 28: Zhang Ziyi attends the Christian Dior Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on February 28, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Christian Dior)
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