Hedi Slimane 繼上季開始主打法式中產主義,今季變化不大 ,大多換上布料就再推出市面。沒改變也不是一件壞事,其實舊式celine 女郎也是一貫法式作風,不過摩登得多。如今的Celine則是bourgeoisie,沒有高低之分,只有品味同或不同的分別而已。
雖然Hedi Slimane 的設計一直有忠心跟隨者,但是兩季以來分別不大,追隨者能痴心多久?相信他的問題在於如何吸納更多的顧客群,同時不再只局限在自己的框架內,才能夠讓新Celine更深入民心。
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Lisa at Celine SS20 Front Row, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Lisa at Celine SS20 Front Row, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Celine SS20, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Lisa at Celine SS20 Front Row, Photography by Kelly Chan
Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset
Lisa at Celine SS20 Front Row, Photography by Kelly Chan
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但不得不提,Celine by Hedi Slimane的品牌形象方面做得最出色的或許還是找來了Blackpink的Lisa成為了代言人。奢侈品牌要在亞洲地區找韓國明星不是新鮮事,但偏偏當前全球最紅女子組合 Blackpink的Lisa足以為幫一個品牌成為熱門話題。還記得一開始的16 Bag到C Triomphe Bag,Lisa都能將偏成熟的手袋融入自己休閒甜美的風格,以致手袋反而成為焦點。而且,穿上Celine的Lisa更多了種冷酷芭比的氣質,令粉絲都覺得Lisa X Celine是天作之合。

在時裝展的當晚,場外已經傳來此起彼伏的“Lisa”尖叫聲,Lisa今次延續上季出席男裝展的法式隨性風格;僅以白色樽領羊毛衫作為上衣,凸顯其瘦削的身材以及襯托洋娃娃版的秀髮。而下身則是帶有閃片的黑色法式百摺裙,配上Celine黑色腰包和及膝中靴,走動時輕盈且閃耀,將Hedi Slimane的美學輕鬆演繹。Lisa這次現身短短幾小時內#LALISA X CELINE PFW便成為了Twitter的熱門討論話題。當然除了Lisa外,Celine的大騷仍然請來了法式風格的代表——Carla Bruni、Catherine Deneuve等成為座上客。

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