根據英國皇室的傳統,皇室成員的訂婚戒往往由準新郎向英國皇室御用珠寶商訂製,以體現其尊貴的身份。然而,身為「平民王妃」的戴安娜卻選擇了一條不一樣的道路,她在英國御用珠寶品牌Garrard & Co親自挑選了一枚在店內目錄上銷售的戒指,這枚戒指配有12卡的珍貴藍寶石,周圍環繞着14顆鑽石,與她明眸善睞的藍眼睛相映成趣。雖然這枚戒指足夠璀璨,但作為非訂製款式的婚戒,仍引發了英國皇室成員間的閒言閒語,因為只需花費約3萬英鎊,普羅大眾便能擁有這枚與皇室相同的款式。因此,戴安娜的婚戒選擇使她成為了當時社會上的討論焦點。

Lady Diana Spencer (later to become Princess of Wales) reveals her sapphire and diamond engagement ring while she and Prince Charles, Prince of Wales pose for photographs in the grounds of Buckingham Palace following the announcement of their engagement (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
戴安娜王妃自行挑選此婚戒的理由至今眾說紛紜。有人認為她早已心儀此款,另有說法提到這枚戒指讓她想起了母親的訂婚戒指。珠寶歷史學家Vivienne Becker則認為,這枚戒指完美契合了戴安娜在上流社會的時尚風格,而藍寶石作為三大寶石之一,在20世紀80年代的高級珠寶中也是經典之選。無論真相如何,戴安娜選擇婚戒的行為象徵着女性地位的提升,擁有自主權和獨立思考,且不甘願隨波逐流,使一紙婚書不再只是女性依附男性的證明,也讓世人對戴安娜王妃的印象永遠停留在美麗的36歲……

UNITED KINGDOM - FEBRUARY 01: Diana, Princess of Wales at home in Kensington Palace (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

ROME, ITALY - APRIL 27: Diana, Princess Of Wales Looking Sad During An Official Overseas Visit. She Is Wearing Pearl Necklace And Earrings And Holding A Bouquet Of Roses. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
戴安娜王妃在1997年一場交通意外中不幸逝世,其生前所遺留下來的珠寶首飾順理成章地被皇室成員繼承,據說威廉王子挑選了戴安娜常佩戴的Cartier Tank Louis腕錶,而哈里王子則選擇了媽媽的藍寶石婚戒。

The Prince and Princess of Wales on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on their wedding day, 29th July 1981. Diana wears a wedding dress by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel and the Spencer family tiara. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: A close up of Kate Middleton's engagement ring as she poses for photographs in the State Apartments with her fiance Prince William of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
那麼,這枚凝聚深厚情感的藍寶石戒指,為何後來會出現在凱特王妃的無名指上?原來,當威廉王子決定向凱特求婚時,哈里王子聯絡了他,提出將藍寶石戒指交換Cartier Tank Louis腕錶的想法,並希望凱特戴上他們媽媽別有意義的戒指。從此,凱特無名指上的藍寶石戒指便承載了戴安娜王妃的祝福和深厚的情感扣連。

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 16: Prince William and Kate Middleton pose for photographs in the State Apartments of St James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England. After much speculation, Clarence House today announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The couple will get married in either the Spring or Summer of next year and continue to live in North Wales while Prince William works as an air sea rescue pilot for the RAF. The couple became engaged during a recent holiday in Kenya having been together for eight years. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)