Buccellati全球市場營銷及傳播總監Maria Cristina Buccellati

Buccellati全球市場營銷及傳播總監Maria Cristina Buccellati


Maria Cristina Buccellati

展覽名為《The Prince of Goldsmiths, Rediscovering the Classics》,選址在珠寶聖地威尼斯,與威尼斯雙年展同期開幕,彰顯品牌對連結傳統與當代藝術的心思。在Giudecca Canal河畔Oficine 800會場,策展人Alba Cappellieri精心策劃並區分為4個展廳,從不同視角展示Buccellati的傳承歷史,由經典蝴蝶胸針引路,貫穿家族世代的創作歷程和內心精神。現場呈現品牌歷代珍罕珠寶設計,並展現獨有的4種工藝:珠羅紗、哩士、雕刻和鑲嵌工藝,精彩萬分。全球市場營銷及傳播總監Maria Cristina Buccellati接受《VOGUE》 Hong Kong專訪,形容「這是一個一生難得的展覽,因為我們所有的珍藏品都同時展出,也呈現出不同世代的演進和傳承。」


VOGUE HK:這家珠寶公司能夠歷經世代傳承,實在令人驚歎。可以跟我們分享品牌的核心價值觀嗎?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:我認為這與工藝傳承有關,因為我們掌握了其他人逐漸淡忘的技術。而且,我們的風格極為獨特,設計一直由家族中的成員負責,甚至毋須言明來自Buccellati,就能辨認出我們的作品。每一件珠寶背後都蘊藏著一段故事,這是一位工匠的故事,講述他的工藝之道和獨特風格。因此,我們品牌價值觀深受人文因素影響,也承載著對卓越的追求。我們所有作品都是人手製作的,品牌一切都與人的觸感有關。

VOGUE HK: Buccellati的工藝造詣在全球享有盛譽。品牌如何保持如此高超的技術水平並不斷培養出色工匠呢?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:我們與一些金匠學校達成了合作協議,我們精心挑選最優秀的學校,並給予他們一年時間來學習我們獨特的技藝。完成培訓後,他們可以選擇加入Buccellati的團隊,恕我直言,這對他們來說無疑是一種榮譽,所以大多數人都會選擇留了下來。在過去的一年中,我們培養了約25位工匠和雕刻師。對我們來說,工匠非常重要,我們常常稱他們為藝術家,因為擁有他們技能的人並不多。我們努力幫助他們成長,同時他們也不斷推動我們品牌的發展。

VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
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VOGUE HK: Buccellati的傳統工藝方法是如何演變的呢?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:我們蜂巢式的工藝極為繁複精細,需要耗費大量時間。首先,工匠會在一片金片上用墨水勾勒出所需的圖案,利用鑽頭進行鑽孔,再用鋸子切割出六角形的蜂巢紋路,一塊一塊地創造出整個作品。這個過程極其困難,能夠精通此技藝的工匠並不多,因為金片往往容易折斷,一旦金片斷裂,必須將其棄用,重新熔化並重新開始,所以只有最高超的工匠才能勝任。


VOGUE HK: Buccellati的設計將經典與現代美學完美融合。如今,品牌如何找到創作靈感?在維持品牌風格的同時,品牌現在的美學又有何不同於上一代?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:對我們而言,追求永恆是非常重要的。我們不希望做出太多改變,而是保持原有風格,同時發掘和傳承品牌的豐富遺產。

VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
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VOGUE HK:誰是你的繆斯?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:Lauren Bacall 。我年輕的時候常常看她的電影。她美麗、摩登、堅強,她是我年輕時的榜樣。

VOGUE HK: Buccellati的經典珍藏設計令人歎為觀止。你們如何保留它們作為未來設計的靈感呢?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:我們經常參與各式各樣的拍賣會,並購得許多古董珠寶作品。事實上,我們在義大利有很多人打電話給我們,詢問他們的珠寶是否有價值,是否能夠出售。因此,我們努力建立了一個非常詳細的檔案,記錄了我們各種設計。我們盡量收集和記錄所有設計,因此擁有多本註冊簿。在過去沒有照片的時代,我的祖父會在一本大冊子上記錄他的銷售情況。每當他售出一件作品,他都會記錄珠寶的設計。我們保留了這些檔案,透過它們,我們試圖涵蓋他所有的設計,每種類型保留5、6件作品。現在,我們每天售出100件作品。但在那個年代,每天只能售出3、4件作品,因此我祖父有足夠的時間將所有買賣詳細記錄在帳簿上。

VOGUE HK:品牌在亞洲有甚麼計劃?在亞洲,人們熱愛珠寶,你對這有什麼看法?
MARIA CRISTINA BUCCELLATI:我們從1970年或1971年開始打進亞洲市場,而香港市場對Buccellati有深入的認識。雖然我們有一段時間沒有在那裡展銷,但現在我們重新回到亞洲市場。我們特別欣賞我們的亞洲客戶,他們很注重對品牌的研究,非常清楚他們正在購買具有價值的物品,不只是因為在廣告上看到而買下,想要了解產品背後的故事。這對我們來說非常重要,因為這是一種肯定,意味著我們做得很好。有時候,我們會遇到一些中國客戶,他們會向我們講述一些我們祖父的故事,連我們自己也不知道的故事。他們試圖找到關於品牌的所有資訊,一旦理解並且信任這個品牌,就會購買,這對我們來說非常重要。

VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at≈ the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at≈ the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: <> attends the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Buccellati)
VENICE, ITALY - APRIL 18: General view at the Buccellati "The Prince Of Goldsmiths" exhibition and event on April 18, 2024 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania M. D'Alessandro/Getty Images for Buccellati)
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Interview: Desiree Au