Jeff Koons 的藝術取得極大的成功,當中少不免有商業成份的融合,也因此不少藝術愛好者或者業內人士對此嗤之以鼻。但 Jeff 藝術品無疑創造出與傳統藝術和當代藝術品之間的轉折性時刻,因此早前其中一個著名的藝術品《Rabbit》以最高在世藝術家成交價賣得9,100萬美元的佳績,如此歷史性的時刻將會掀起另一波的藝術趨勢。

撇除 Jeff 的藝術品,對於跨界合作的設計更是態度積極,似乎要將商業元素進行到底,與時裝品牌的聯乘設計便是最好的證明。

PARIS, FRANCE - APRIL 11: (L-R) Justine Wheeler Koons , handbag detail, attends the 'Louis Vuitton Masters: a collaboration with Jeff Koons' dinner at Musee du Louvre on April 11, 2017 in Paris, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/WireImage)

PARIS, FRANCE - APRIL 11: (L-R) Justine Wheeler Koons , handbag detail, attends the 'Louis Vuitton Masters: a collaboration with Jeff Koons' dinner at Musee du Louvre on April 11, 2017 in Paris, France. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/WireImage)

Jeff Koons x Louis Vuitton
讓大家記憶猶新的莫過於與 Louis Vuitton 設計的 Masters 手袋系列,2017年將自己 “Gazing Ball Printings” 當中的歷史名畫如達文西《蒙娜麗莎》、梵高《麥田裡的絲柏樹》、魯本斯《獵虎》等名作以高清技術移植手袋之上,仿佛營造出跨越空間的視覺效果;同時更破天荒得到品牌允許更改品牌經典 monogram 為自己名字的縮寫 “JK” 為手袋商標,並垂墜着充氣兔仔的吊牌裝飾。值得一提的是,當時品牌廣告更是有充氣兔仔手挽新系列的聯乘設計,頗為有趣,完美地將高端藝術品轉化為平易近人的普普藝術,的確再次鞏固 LV 對藝術包容的正面形象。

PARIS, FRANCE - NOVEMBER 24: (L-R) Artist Jeff Koons and Fashion Designer Stella McCartney attend the 'Jeff Koons' Retrospective Exhibition : Opening Evening at Beaubourg on November 24, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Bertrand Rindoff Petroff/French Select/Getty Images)
Rabbit – Collaboration with Stella McCartney Rabbit (Necklace Pendant) platinum 3 1/8 x 1 3/4 x 1 1/2 inches 7.9 x 4.4 x 3.8 cm © Jeff Koons 2005-2009 Rabbit (Charm Bracelet) platinum 2 x 1 x 1/2 inches 5.08 x 2.54 x 1.27 cm. © Jeff Koons 2005-2009
PARIS, FRANCE - NOVEMBER 24: (L-R) Artist Jeff Koons and Fashion Designer Stella McCartney attend the 'Jeff Koons' Retrospective Exhibition : Opening Evening at Beaubourg on November 24, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Bertrand Rindoff Petroff/French Select/Getty Images)
Rabbit – Collaboration with Stella McCartney Rabbit (Necklace Pendant) platinum 3 1/8 x 1 3/4 x 1 1/2 inches 7.9 x 4.4 x 3.8 cm © Jeff Koons 2005-2009 Rabbit (Charm Bracelet) platinum 2 x 1 x 1/2 inches 5.08 x 2.54 x 1.27 cm. © Jeff Koons 2005-2009
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Jeff Koons x Stella McCartney
除了手袋之外,Jeff 還與 Stella McCartney 合作推出標誌性的充氣兔仔項鍊及手鍊:事源在2006 Stella McCartney 春夏系列中, Stella 從 Jeff 的藝術創作中得到靈感,設計青春洋溢的普普風格的拼圖印花,看來兩人惺惺相惜而結下難能可貴的友誼,也呼應出 Stella 對動物的關愛及愛護。

PARIS, FRANCE - DECEMBER 09: A detail of the Jeff Koons handbag pictured during the Jeff Koons For H&M Handbag Presentation, a Cocktail Event at Centre Pompidou on December 9, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Julien Hekimian/WireImage)

PARIS, FRANCE - DECEMBER 09: A detail of the Jeff Koons handbag pictured during the Jeff Koons For H&M Handbag Presentation, a Cocktail Event at Centre Pompidou on December 9, 2014 in Paris, France. (Photo by Julien Hekimian/WireImage)

Jeff Koons x H&M
Jeff 的普普藝術是將藝術做到雅俗共賞的理想境界,也許有人不認同他的理念,不過在2014年把自己的作品注入快時尚的圈子裏,雖然沒有高尚品牌來得珍貴,但快時尚的延展性不就是正正與 Jeff 的想法不謀而合。因此 H&M 推出便是 Jeff 充氣狗仔印花的聯乘手袋。