雖然快時尚正在面臨淘汰戰,但無礙快時尚品牌履行社會責任。像美國服飾集團 Gap ,近日公佈品牌預料 2025 年能完全採用可持續方式生產的棉花,若然成功,讓同行借鑑,定必能夠紓緩時裝對環境的污染。


SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 20: Gap jeans are displayed at a Gap store on February 20, 2014 in San Francisco, California. Gap Inc. announced that they will raise their minimum wage for U.S. employees to nine dollars in June of 2014 and to $10 by June of 2015. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 20: Gap jeans are displayed at a Gap store on February 20, 2014 in San Francisco, California. Gap Inc. announced that they will raise their minimum wage for U.S. employees to nine dollars in June of 2014 and to $10 by June of 2015. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)


集團暫時已經通過研發更節約的灌溉技術,支持農民從事可持續發展的種植。因此,Gap集團旗下的品牌,如Gap、Old Navy和Banana Republic能夠陸續在2021年、2022年和2023年實施計劃。由於時裝產業的眾多物料中,棉花是最消耗水資源的產物之一。而且用途廣泛,例子如一條牛仔褲,在整個製造過程中,便平均使用了1600加侖的水,其中64%用在種植棉花,所以是次Gap集團公佈的消息,或許能大力推動可持續發展的時裝業,讓人期待能為這產業帶來轉變。