為慶祝美國版《Vogue》創刊130週年,Vogue剛剛在紐約舉辦一場名為Vogue World: New York 的盛會,不僅從 Balenciaga, Dior, Gucci, Valentino, Burberry, Coach, Michael Kors, Brother Vellies, Bode, Conner Ives, Christopher John Rogers, Collina Strada, Matty Bovan, Ralph Lauren,  Proenza Schouler 等時尚品牌中精選出秋季最愛,更邀請一眾超模 Gigi Hadid、Bella Hadid、Kendall Jenner、Adut Akech、Emily Ratajkowski 齊齊踏上紐約街頭,演繹最新時裝造型。更與品牌合作推出由限量商品打造的創意街頭市集,帶來一場前所未有的時尚體驗。不要錯過以下5大亮點。


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1/ Serena Williams 亮相展開序幕

美國傳奇網球運動員、也是剛剛登上美國版《VOGUE》九月刊封面的 Serena Williams 以一身 Balenciaga 銀色長裙及披風造型亮相,擔任本晚的開場嘉賓。正當她走過時裝天橋時,現場播放了她在2000年溫布爾登網球錦標賽上接受採訪的音頻:「我希望人們這樣記住我:那個改變了網球界、或是帶來了新意的女孩。」而她的身後跟隨着4名身穿白色網球服的女孩,彷彿是 Serena Williams 的過去與現在相逢,也對網球界的未來許下厚望。


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2/ 時裝天橋集結一眾名人模特兒

如此時尚盛會,當然少不了一眾名人超模加持。Bella Hadid 身穿來自 Balenciaga 2022年春季系列的金屬銀色禮服驚艷全場;姐姐 Gigi Hadid 則身穿牛仔褲造型證明牛仔面料依舊入時。Kendall Jenner 疊穿兩件 Prada 背心,簡約而不失時尚魅力,在鏡頭前以自信wink迷倒眾人。


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剛剛結伴登上《VOGUE》Hong Kong 九月刊封面的 Brooklyn & Nicola Peltz Beckham 夫妻,今晚也手拉手驚喜出現在 Vogue World 的時裝天橋,在一眾模特兒中甜蜜放閃。這也是他們首次以「模特兒」身份公開亮相。


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今晚的時裝展由 VOGUE 精選一系列2022年秋季系列造型,所有靈感皆來自「時尚的新世界」,不僅有名模助陣,更以富含新意的造型展現了當今時尚界的新態度、新個性以及影響力。


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3/ Lil Nas X 帶來現場表演

晚會來到最後,饒舌歌手 Lil Nas X 帶來一首節奏歡快的《Industry Baby》。他亦應景地穿上一身銀色造型,與早前出現過的 Serena Williams、Gigi Hadid、Bella Hadid 並排同行,為這場時尚盛宴劃上圓滿句點。


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4/ 將時尚體驗延續!所有造型皆可在線上購買

不僅有時裝展,現場還有由 VOGUE 設計的攤位,以及與品牌合作推出限量商品串連而成的市集。此外,Moda Operandi、Mytheresa、NET-A-PORTER、Nordstrom 和 Ssense 等合作夥伴還將展出一系列可供選購的服飾,只是欣賞還不夠,今次展出時裝造型的購買連結亦可在 VOGUE 官網 的相關文章中找到並購買。


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5/ 不止伸展台!Front Row 造型亦彰顯時尚主張

時尚盛會的精彩時尚時刻又豈止在延伸台?坐在時裝展前排的熟悉面孔如 Doja Cat、Jared Leto、Kanye West 以及《璀璨帝國》名媛 Christine Chiu 亦穿出了自己的時尚主張。一起透過以下現場front row guest造型,感受這場時尚盛會更多元更有趣的魅力。

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Latto and Doja Cat attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Latto and Doja Cat attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jared Leto and Kanye West attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jared Leto and Kanye West attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jared Leto and Lil Nas X attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jared Leto and Lil Nas X attend VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Kourtney Kardashian (L) and Travis Barker attend the Vogue World fashion show during New York Fashion Week: The Shows in the Meat Packing District on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Kourtney Kardashian (L) and Travis Barker attend the Vogue World fashion show during New York Fashion Week: The Shows in the Meat Packing District on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Christine Chiu attends VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Christine Chiu attends VOGUE World: New York on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Sean Zanni/Getty Images for Vogue)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jeno attends the Vogue World fashion show during New York Fashion Week: The Shows in the Meat Packing District on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 12: Jeno attends the Vogue World fashion show during New York Fashion Week: The Shows in the Meat Packing District on September 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)