大熱人氣男子組合 Mirror 成員 Anson Kong 與 Lokman Yeung 合唱的〈虎道門〉好評如潮,其日本暴走族造型更是亮點之一。他們抽空為《Vogue》Hong Kong 拍攝,並穿上 Versace 全身男士秋冬系列,展現大男孩的青春活力。

2021年秋冬系列重新演繹經典的希臘迴紋圖案,將它化作動感的立體迷宮,令人彷彿能置身其中。全新的 Versace La Greca 圖案結合不同大小和顏色組合的希臘迴紋和 Versace 標誌,俐落的幾何圖案棱角分明,色彩奪目,展現力量和自信。

Tee, shirt, pants, necklace and rings, all Versace.

Tee, shirt, pants, necklace and rings, all Versace.

Tee, shirt, necklace, rings and earrings, all Versace.

Tee, shirt, necklace, rings and earrings, all Versace.

Coat, pants, sneakers, necklaces, bracelet, rings and bag, all Versace.

Coat, pants, sneakers, necklaces, bracelet, rings and bag, all Versace.

Sweater, necklace, all Versace.

Sweater, necklace, all Versace.

Sweater, pants, necklace, rings, bracelet and earrings, all Versace.

Sweater, pants, necklace, rings, bracelet and earrings, all Versace.

Shirt, necklace, rings and earrings, all Versace.

Shirt, necklace, rings and earrings, all Versace.

值得一提的, 男裝的剪裁講究修身,同時不失新意,西裝採用更貼身的輪廓,而 La Greca 圖案則以不同方式融入設計之中,包括舖滿提花布西裝,時而混合金銀色紗線,又或變成細小的橡膠裝飾,像足球隊章一樣貼於襟前。布料則包括閃亮的乙烯基面料以至啞面羊毛。

除此之外,2021年秋冬系列亦推出塗鴉風格的 Medusa 笑面圖案,彰顯品牌的幽默感和反叛個性。這個 Medusa 圖案是慶祝、自由和熱愛狂歡一族的標記,配以La Greca邊框,成為絲巾、男裝外套的獨特裝飾。 個性手袋 La Greca袋款配以添上品牌標誌的金屬配件,並讓時尚一族隨心添加其他配飾和口袋,打造專屬設計。

Sweater, necklace, all Versace.

Sweater, necklace, all Versace.

Shirt, tie, blazer, pants, scarf, sneakers and bag, all Versace.

Shirt, tie, blazer, pants, scarf, sneakers and bag, all Versace.

Photography: Olivia Tsang

Art Direction & Styling: Jacky Tam

Makeup Artist: Giann Cheung @ AnnieG. Chan Makeup Centre

Hair Stylist: Lydia Yung @ Chic Private i Salon

Gaffer: Jimmy Pang

Lighting Assistant: Michael Tang, Jason Li

Production Assistant: Jan Li