
在六七十年代,中國這個傳統的手工藝術由東方傳到西方,美國以反抗和判逆為標籤的 嬉皮士 (Hippie) 把整個風格改頭換面。從濃厚的鄉村民族風搖身一變,變成熱血沸騰的搖滾風。嬉皮士熱愛搖滾音樂和各種音樂節,所以紮染當時亦俘虜了美國一代傳奇歌手 Janis Joplin 的歡心,同時也成為了她的標誌。從此以後,該元素就變成了搖滾歌手的象徵,更讓一眾搖滾迷緊隨其後,是盛極一時的潮流指標。

直到 2019 年,Gucci 春夏系列推出以 Janis Joplin 為靈感的高飽和度紮染帽子,該系列以復古為主題,並率先把紮染元素重新帶回時尚界。時至今日,無論是在 2020 年的春夏天橋、明星,或是街拍潮人身上,都不難看見紮染的蹤影,可見這是歷久彌新的一大元素。


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Street Style : Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2019 : Day Nine PARIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 2: Model Hyun Ji Shin in a light blue tie-dye blouse, blue belted pants, and white Balenciaga sneakers after the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2019 on October 2, 2018 in Paris, France. (Photo by Melodie Jeng/Getty Images)

Photo credit: Getty Images

Street Style : Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2019 : Day Nine PARIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 2: Model Hyun Ji Shin in a light blue tie-dye blouse, blue belted pants, and white Balenciaga sneakers after the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2019 on October 2, 2018 in Paris, France. (Photo by Melodie Jeng/Getty Images)

韓國模特兒 Hyun Ji Shin 在 2019 年的巴黎春夏時裝展以淺藍色的紮染裇衫和深藍色牛仔褲現身。裇衫配牛仔褲這個組合經典不敗,同色系的穿搭更是最保守的搭配。另外,沒有過多造型感的下身更能突顯上身的紮染重點。

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Street Style: January 12th - Milan Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2020/2021 MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 12: Jessica Goicoechea wears a pink and white long coat, a white bag, a pink orange and yellow tie-dye MSGM body suit, white high boots, outside MSGM, during Milan Fashion Week Menswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021, on January 12, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

Photo credit: Getty Images

Street Style: January 12th - Milan Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2020/2021 MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 12: Jessica Goicoechea wears a pink and white long coat, a white bag, a pink orange and yellow tie-dye MSGM body suit, white high boots, outside MSGM, during Milan Fashion Week Menswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021, on January 12, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

今年一月,Jessica Goicoechea 在米蘭秋冬男裝時裝展上穿著一件 MSGM 粉紅色、橙色和黃色紮染連身衣,外面以同一品牌的粉紅色配白色紮染大衣做搭配。兩件富有紮染元素的時尚單品不但不會看起來太累贅,返而塑造出另一種和諧感。

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Street Style - Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2019/2020 : Day Eight PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 04: Xenia Adonts wears a blue and white outfit with printed shapes, sneakers a white bag, outside Stella McCartney, during Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2019/2020, on March 04, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

Photo credit: Getty Images

Street Style - Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2019/2020 : Day Eight PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 04: Xenia Adonts wears a blue and white outfit with printed shapes, sneakers a white bag, outside Stella McCartney, during Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2019/2020, on March 04, 2019 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

法國著名 Influencer Xenia Adonts 在巴黎秋冬時裝週同樣以紮染元素作為穿搭亮點。她身穿藍白色紮染套裝,上下身同樣的色系和圖案令整體造型散發出利落感。手上拿着純白色的 Stella McCartney 手袋更能讓重點放在穿搭上。

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NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 08: Hannah Baxter is seen wearing batik skirt outside Collina Strada during New York Fashion Week September 2019 on September 08, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

Photo credit: Getty Images

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 08: Hannah Baxter is seen wearing batik skirt outside Collina Strada during New York Fashion Week September 2019 on September 08, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

紮染元素除了可以添加在上身、下身和外套,也可以像 Hannah Baxter 一樣嘗試穿著連身裙。她在 2019 年紐約時裝週上以一條藍綠色紮染連身裙亮相。如果想在穿搭上增添層次感,同時不想過於花巧,可以在連身裙外搭配同色系的淨色外套。

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Street Style - Berlin Fashion Week - July 01, 2019 BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Lisa Banholzer is seen wearing batik Prada shorts, button shirt, Louis Vuitton earrings during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin on July 01, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

Photo credit: Getty Images

Street Style - Berlin Fashion Week - July 01, 2019 BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 01: Lisa Banholzer is seen wearing batik Prada shorts, button shirt, Louis Vuitton earrings during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin on July 01, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)

2019 年的柏林時裝週上,Lisa Banholzer 穿著了一整套出自 Prada 的套裝,上身為短袖裇衫,而下身則是同材質的短褲。同樣是黑色、粉紅色、白色和紫藍色的紮染圖案,只是配上一對簡約的圈耳環就能突顯造型。