在與英國陸軍、皇家海軍和皇家空軍的軍人交談時,女王似乎很喜歡聽到他們在大流行期間的日常生活。在女王彩色中隊服役的下士Shanwayne Stephens是牙買加雪橇隊的飛行員,他解釋了這需要什麼。 「天哪,聽起來是個非常危險的工作。」她回答說,然後問道。 「那你是怎麼訓練的?」Stephens告訴她,他一直在街上來回推車,以保持身體健美。 她笑著回答︰「哦,好吧,我想這是訓練的一種方式。」女王陛下在皇室藍色圖案的衣服上加上了她標誌性的三串珍珠項鍊和珍珠滴耳環。

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‪? The Queen speaks with service personnel from @BritishArmy, @RoyalNavy and @RoyalAirForceuk via video call, to hear about the work of the British Armed Forces at home and overseas, during the current pandemic. . As Head of the Armed Forces, Her Majesty is regularly updated on operations around the world. . Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas Carter joined the video call, along with: . Able Rate Sophie Levy who serves as an Aircraft Handler, on her first operational deployment on board RFA Argus which is in the Caribbean. . Lieutenant Colonel Barrie Terry who is currently deployed on a UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, and has been apart from his family since last year due to travel restrictions. . Lance Corporal Shanwayne Stephens who serves in The Queen’s Colour Squadron and has represented the RAF at many state events including State Openings of Parliament and the annual Festival of Remembrance. . To watch the full version, visit the Royal Family’s YouTube channel (link in bio)

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女王還與國防參謀長Nicholas Carter爵士、擔任飛機駕駛員的Sophie Levy 準尉和目前正在馬里執行聯合國維和任務的Barrie Terry中校進行了交談。女王在通話的最後強調,能夠見到他們是多麼的美好,並補充道。 「每個人都在忙於應對這場大流行病,並做了出色的工作。」
