戴安娜以淺色系的自行車短褲、超大碼的學院風連體褲和Reebok 經典款波鞋而聞名,她的低調裝束體現了媒體賦予她的 「人民的王妃 」稱號。她穿上英國肺部基金會的毛衣,搭配棒球帽和高腰牛仔褲,讓她的校服風格既時髦又突出。全身運動服非常青春,檬黃色的圓領衫也不例外。

1994 Stars and stripes for a spot of tennis at the Chelsea Harbour Club.

1994 Stars and stripes for a spot of tennis at the Chelsea Harbour Club.

1997 Fresh out of the gym and still looking polished owing to her muted sportswear and top handle tote.

1997 Fresh out of the gym and still looking polished owing to her muted sportswear and top handle tote.

1992 Mother-son denim on the go in 1992.

1992 Mother-son denim on the go in 1992.

「她的品味是她的典型背景;英國上流社會的女孩不像現在這樣懂得穿衣打扮——那時候還沒有It girl,」前英國《Vogue》副主編Anna Harvey曾這樣評價她的朋友戴安娜,她從「不諳世事 」的外人變成了優雅的女政治家。「她的想法非常開放。時尚媒體本來希望她能更時尚一些,但這完全不合適(皇家的規範)。」

1996 Collegiate sweaters for the win in 1996.

1996 Collegiate sweaters for the win in 1996.

1995 Playing the unofficial Virgin Atlantic ambassador in brand merchandise at the Chelsea Harbour Club.

1995 Playing the unofficial Virgin Atlantic ambassador in brand merchandise at the Chelsea Harbour Club.

1997 Hotfooting it out of Chelsea Harbour Club in bleached-out gym gear.

1997 Hotfooting it out of Chelsea Harbour Club in bleached-out gym gear.

Harvey回憶起戴安娜喜歡在衣櫃部門做實驗的經歷:「有一次生日,我送了她一條Pucci的綁腿褲和幾件GAP的T恤,她很高興,因為我覺得她可能會穿得這麼張揚。」 當英國國民在這個不穩定的時代裡向公眾人物尋求慰藉時,這位前王妃對時尚的積極態度提醒我們,積極的穿衣打扮可以起到很大的作用。我們一起回顧她的12個造型,鼓勵大家以更積極的姿態穿上運動休閒裝和休閒裝。

1986 Pink Converse for the polo at Windsor.

1986 Pink Converse for the polo at Windsor.

1988 Casually dressed in jeans and a British Lung Foundation sweatshirt at Guards Polo Club with Prince William.

1988 Casually dressed in jeans and a British Lung Foundation sweatshirt at Guards Polo Club with Prince William.

1986 Floral trousers meant playtime at Highgrove.

1986 Floral trousers meant playtime at Highgrove.

1985 Berlin-bound in a full tracksuit.

1985 Berlin-bound in a full tracksuit.