名人們亦紛紛為珍珠的光澤而著迷。柯德莉夏萍在《Breakfast at Tiffany》中所飾演的Holly Golightly 對珍珠的鐘愛,令人自此之後把珍珠和她本人畫上等號。而Coco Chanel 則常常把數條珍珠頸鏈一併戴到頸上,活演了她的時尚法則——「女人需要一串又一串的珍珠」(A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls)時而至今,Chanel 仍視這句話為品牌的其中一個標誌。

Michelle Obama、Sarah Jessica Parker 和 Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 都是著名的珍珠忠實粉絲,每隔一段日子,便會看到她們戴著珍珠飾品出席公開場合,而Whiteley 最近更在Instagram上分享了一對來自倫敦品牌By Pariah的細長珍珠耳環。但原來珍珠的魅力不僅對女性才凑效,同時也迷倒了一眾男明星,Harry Styles 、A $ AP Rocky和Joe jonas 亦有把珍珠飾品收藏到他們的首飾系列當中。

史上最著名的珍珠莫過於和荷李活,以及皇室成員均有一段緣份的La Peregrina。La Peregrina 輾轉經過一眾的西班牙國王後,終在1969年由Richard Burton 送贈了他的老婆Elizabeth Taylor。Taylor 更憶述:「有一次我把La Peregrina 放錯了位置時,當我隨意地檢查我家小狗的口時,便意識到它是世界上最完美的珍珠。」

Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn (1929 - 1993), in a black, shoulderless dress, matching gloves, and a tiara, smiles with a cigarette holder in her hand, in her role as Holly Golightly the film, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's,' directed by Blake Edwards, New York, New York, 1961. (Photo by Paramount Pictures/Courtesy of Getty Images)
1961: Belgian-born actor Audrey Hepburn (1929 - 1993), as Holly Golightly, holds a cup and a paper bag while looking into one of the window displays at Tiffany's in a still from the film, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's,' directed by Blake Edwards. She wears sunglasses, a little black dress, long gloves and a tiara in her chignon. (Photo by Paramount Pictures/Getty Images)
Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, smiling, wearing pink lipstick and a pearl necklace, circa 1965. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
NEW YORK- CIRCA MAY 1969: Princess Margaret with Elizabeth Taylor in New York on May 11,1969. (Photo by PL Gould/Images/Getty Images)
Sarah Jessica Parker (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn (1929 - 1993), in a black, shoulderless dress, matching gloves, and a tiara, smiles with a cigarette holder in her hand, in her role as Holly Golightly the film, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's,' directed by Blake Edwards, New York, New York, 1961. (Photo by Paramount Pictures/Courtesy of Getty Images)
1961: Belgian-born actor Audrey Hepburn (1929 - 1993), as Holly Golightly, holds a cup and a paper bag while looking into one of the window displays at Tiffany's in a still from the film, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's,' directed by Blake Edwards. She wears sunglasses, a little black dress, long gloves and a tiara in her chignon. (Photo by Paramount Pictures/Getty Images)
Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, smiling, wearing pink lipstick and a pearl necklace, circa 1965. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
NEW YORK- CIRCA MAY 1969: Princess Margaret with Elizabeth Taylor in New York on May 11,1969. (Photo by PL Gould/Images/Getty Images)
Sarah Jessica Parker (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
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