

#11 Lupita Nyong’o: US$150,000

HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 22: Actress Lupita Nyong'o poses in the Press Room during the 87th Annual Academy Awards at Loews Hollywood Hotel on February 22, 2015 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by C Flanigan/Getty Images)

HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 22: Actress Lupita Nyong'o poses in the Press Room during the 87th Annual Academy Awards at Loews Hollywood Hotel on February 22, 2015 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by C Flanigan/Getty Images)

Lupita Nyong’o 憑著在《Black Panther》現身2015年奧斯卡頒獎典禮,當晚上穿了 Calvin Klein 白色晚裝,看似簡約的時間上竟有足足6,000顆珍珠刺繡所覆蓋。隨後這件美麗的禮服在活動結束後於酒店房內被盜。雖然 Calvin Klein 並沒有提出控訴追究,但卻在酒店櫃檯下的一個垃圾袋後面發現了那件曾經不翼而飛的禮服。

#10 Anne Hathaway: US$80,000


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Anne Hathaway 曾在2011年奧斯卡頒獎典禮擔任主持,當晚便身穿 Valentino 立體花卉剪裁打造的紅色長禮服,搭配 Tiffany & Co.的鑽石項鍊,總價值鏡統計約1,000萬美元。

#9 Elizabeth Taylor:US$167,500

Married actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (1925 - 1984) attend the Academy Awards ceremonies, Los Angeles, California, April 7, 1970. (Photo by Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images)

Married actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (1925 - 1984) attend the Academy Awards ceremonies, Los Angeles, California, April 7, 1970. (Photo by Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor 總是獨特的穿衣風格而聞名,她穿著一件雪紡吊帶的 Edith Head 禮服參加 1970年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮,後來以167500美元的價格售出。

#8 Cate Blanchett: US$200,000

Cate Blanchett, nominee Best Actress in a Supporting Role for "Notes on a Scandal" (Photo by Chris Polk/FilmMagic)

Cate Blanchett, nominee Best Actress in a Supporting Role for "Notes on a Scandal" (Photo by Chris Polk/FilmMagic)

《The Curious Case of Benjamin Button》的女演員 Cate Blanchett 曾多次登上最昂貴禮服的榜單中,如在2007年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,Cate Blanchett 穿了一件銀色的 Armani 單肩禮服,上面鑲滿了 Swarovski 水晶,價值約20萬美元。


#7 Paris Hilton: US$270,000

這位社會名流對奢華服飾並不陌生,Paris Hilton 曾經穿過一件 August Getty 的禮服,上面鑲嵌著50多萬顆Swarovski 水晶,價值$270,000 美金。

#6 Princess Diana: US$290,000

BONN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 02: The Prince And Princess Of Wales In Germany Attending An Evening Function. She Is Wearing A Dress Designed By Fashion Designer Victor Edelstein (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

BONN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 02: The Prince And Princess Of Wales In Germany Attending An Evening Function. She Is Wearing A Dress Designed By Fashion Designer Victor Edelstein (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)

在1997年康城影展上,已故戴安娜王妃穿着 Catherine Walker 的粉藍色雪紡長裙,算是戴安娜王妃的最愛禮服之一。曾讓攝影師 Terence Donovan 為自己拍攝肖像時所穿的服裝,又在1989年身穿這套粉藍色飄逸晚裝出席歌劇首映,最後便是出席康城影展。久而久之,也成為戴安娜王妃的經典造型之一。

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 9, 1985: In this handout image provided by The White House, Princess Diana dances with John Travolta in Cross Hall at the White House during an official dinner on November 9, 1985 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Pete Souza/The White House via Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 9, 1985: In this handout image provided by The White House, Princess Diana dances with John Travolta in Cross Hall at the White House during an official dinner on November 9, 1985 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Pete Souza/The White House via Getty Images)

不過要數最昂貴的服裝,便是1985年身穿 Victor Edelstein 的天鵝絨禮服,也就是聞名於世“Travolta Dress” 與演員 John Travolta 共舞跳舞的瞬間也成為讓人過目不忘的經典一幕。2019年, “Travolta Dress” 由 The Historical Royal Palaces 在拍賣會上以29萬美元購買,成為隨後的展覽品之一。

#5 Audrey Hepburn: US$923,187

NEW YORK - 1961: Actress Audrey Hepburn poses for a publicity still for the Paramount Pictures film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' in 1961 in New York City, New York. (Photo by Donaldson Collection/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

NEW YORK - 1961: Actress Audrey Hepburn poses for a publicity still for the Paramount Pictures film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' in 1961 in New York City, New York. (Photo by Donaldson Collection/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

眾所周知 Audrey Hepburn 與設計師 Hubert de Givenchy 關係甚是友好,幾乎所有經典的時尚造型都是出自 Hubert de Givenchy 之手。而曾在1954年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮,Audrey Hepburn 便以一件Givenchy 的茶色長裙出席,後來以 $131,300美元的價格被拍賣。

除此之外,Audrey Hepburn 在1960年代《Breakfast At Tiffany》電影中,再次穿上 Hubert de Givenchy 設計的小黑裙,誰也沒想到此造型足以撼動時尚歷史,成為女性集體心目中留下了不可磨滅的印記。在2006年的 Christies 拍賣會上以近100萬美元成交,所得收益用於City of Joy Aid 組織為幫助印度貧困兒童。

#4 Julie Andrews: US$1,560,000

還記得《Sound of Music》中 Julie Andrews 身著簡單的長袖羽絨服俯瞰澳洲山脈的標誌性開場場景嗎?多年來,電影《Sound of Music》和Julie Andrews 偷走了許多人的心,這件著名的裙子在拍賣會上以156萬美元的價格售出。

#3 Nicole Kidman: US$2,000,000

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (Photo by Kevin Mazur Archive/WireImage)

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (Photo by Kevin Mazur Archive/WireImage)

在1997年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,Nicole Kidman 穿著John Galliano 設計的 Christian Dior 高級訂製的刺繡長裙,以獨特的金色和綠色雙色,打造東方色彩的刺繡圖騰點綴領口設計,讓人眼前一亮,凸顯了Nicole Kidman 無暇的肌膚。

#2 Jennifer Lawrence: US$4,000,000

HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 24: Jennifer Lawrence poses in the press room during the 85th Annual Academy Awards at the Loews Hollywood Hotel on February 24, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)

HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 24: Jennifer Lawrence poses in the press room during the 85th Annual Academy Awards at the Loews Hollywood Hotel on February 24, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)

2013年,Jennifer Lawrence 因在《Silver Linings Playbook》中精彩的演出獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角,當晚 Jennifer Lawrence 的造型不僅讓人驚艷,更是讓人看的驚心動魄。畢竟這極重工藝的 Dior 高級訂製晚裝,其厚重的裙襬卻不小心地絆倒即將上台Jennifer Lawrence,掀起一時佳話。

#1 Marilyn Monroe: US$5,600,000

Film star Marilyn Monroe poses over a Manhattan subway grate as the wind blows her white dress up. Photographers capture the moment on camera, which takes place on September 16, 1954, during the filming of Seven Year Itch. Reportedly, Monroe's husband Joe DiMaggio was displeased at the attention his wife received from the crowds.

Film star Marilyn Monroe poses over a Manhattan subway grate as the wind blows her white dress up. Photographers capture the moment on camera, which takes place on September 16, 1954, during the filming of Seven Year Itch. Reportedly, Monroe's husband Joe DiMaggio was displeased at the attention his wife received from the crowds.

Marilyn Monroe 的經典服裝不比 Audrey Hepburn 少,1961年法國設計師 Jean-Louis Berthault 便為 Marilyn Monroe 設計出佈滿粉紅亮片的禮服,只為了讓瑪麗蓮夢露在 John F. Kennedy 總統45歲生日慶典上表演,送上「生日快樂,總統先生」。

除此之外,在1955年拍攝《七年之癢 The Seven Year Itch》,Marilyn Monroe 的著裝再次引起了譁然,白色洋裝搭配瑪麗蓮夢露金色髮色,成為經典之最,而這條裙子在2011年以560萬美元拍賣。

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