去年,LVMH董事長Bernard Arnault繼Amazon和Microsoft老闆成為世界第三位千億富豪,集團也來勢洶洶的收購Tiffany & Co., 幫助Rihanna拓展奢侈成衣品牌Fenty,他麾下的公司Louis Vuitton、Dior都紛紛在Gen-Z的消費者世界站得住腳。

無奈2020年的到來,原本上個月還超越了Bill Gates成為世界第二首富的Bernard Arnault不得不面臨財富縮水,高達251億美金。

據Bloomberg報導,LVMH董事長兼首席執行官Bernard Arnault淨資產暴跌251億美金至802億美元,也就是說跌出了千億富豪榜,成為此次疫情中全球500名富豪中的最大輸家。

除了零售業慘淡外,全球旅遊禁令是LVMH股價大跌的直接原因。不過比起經營快時尚品牌的集團大勢已去,以推崇奢侈生活和努力發展網上消費奢侈品的LVMH來說,其最近兩個大舉動——Louis Vuitton在上海的男裝大騷,Dior在上海的實體展覽,也表示中國市場已開始回春,LVMH如何上演絕地反擊?我們將持續關注。

A photo taken on November 19, 2019 shows an outside view of the former Samaritaine shopping center in Paris, owned by LVMH - Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton group, which will be transformed into a complex including a department store, a 5-star hotel, social housing units, offices, and a childrens nursery. - Closed 15 years ago, the Samaritaine will reopen in April 2020. (Photo by Martin BUREAU / AFP) (Photo by MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images)

A photo taken on November 19, 2019 shows an outside view of the former Samaritaine shopping center in Paris, owned by LVMH - Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton group, which will be transformed into a complex including a department store, a 5-star hotel, social housing units, offices, and a childrens nursery. - Closed 15 years ago, the Samaritaine will reopen in April 2020. (Photo by Martin BUREAU / AFP) (Photo by MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images)