Lady Gaga 的時尚時刻可以按不同時代細分:像《Born This Way》變得超凡脫俗、 《Artpop》時期的概念性造型,以及《Joanne》期間變成了水鑽 cowgirl,她幾乎可以駕馭一切你能想像的造型。在拍攝了 Ridley Scott 的《House of Gucci》之後,她似乎已經決定進行新一次的「大改造」。


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Gaga 過去數天一直在紐約廣場酒店渡過,而這個迷人的場地似乎也影響了她的著裝選擇。作為電影經典的拍攝地,如《North by Northwest》、《Funny Girl》和《The Great Gatsby》等,又曾接待過瑪麗蓮夢露、伊麗莎白泰勒、葛麗泰嘉寶在內等經典名人。恰如其分地,Gaga 在入住酒店時的造型,展露著經典、優雅和令人回味的舊荷里活風情。

(Original Caption) 2/9/1956-New York, NY: Marilyn Monroe poses at her Plaza Hotel press conference Feb, 9th. Miss Monroe making her first public appearencefor the press in some time, posed willingly for a battalion of photographers on hand for her announcemnet that her film company and Sir Laurnce Olivier would coproduce a movie in which they would costar.

(Original Caption) 2/9/1956-New York, NY: Marilyn Monroe poses at her Plaza Hotel press conference Feb, 9th. Miss Monroe making her first public appearencefor the press in some time, posed willingly for a battalion of photographers on hand for her announcemnet that her film company and Sir Laurnce Olivier would coproduce a movie in which they would costar.

在上週二,她穿著 Alessandra Rich 的花瓣粉色褶皺中長連身裙和帶上一個小巧的 Fendi 手提包。 造型延續了 Gaga 在飛往這座城市時,在機內所穿的柔和甜美色調。Gaga 又配上了一對 Jimmy Choo 細高跟鞋和貓眼 Gentle Monster 太陽鏡,為這套裝扮增添了成熟氣息。

後來,Gaga 又帶來了另一款引人注目的造型,這是來自Giambattista Valli 設計的 白色波點薄紗裙,有著荷葉邊細節,而 Gaga 通過配上一件白色西裝外套,修飾了造型的正式感,再配上來自 Mark Cross 的湖水綠色手袋,為造型提供了亮點。

NEW YORK, NY - JULY 01: Lady Gaga is seen in Midtown on July 1, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)

NEW YORK, NY - JULY 01: Lady Gaga is seen in Midtown on July 1, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)

另一套,是來自 Giuseppe di Morabito 泡泡袖連衣裙,有著黑、白色的花卉刺繡。當然 Lady Gaga 也與經典主題保持一致,至少在配飾的選擇是如此:來自 Oscar de la Renta 的吊墜耳環、Ana Khouri 的閃閃發光鑽石戒指和 Mark Cross 手提包。

Gaga 和造型師 Sandra Amador、Tom Eerebout 很知道如何透過「戲劇」來打造造型,並將她的紐約之旅變成了一場時裝展。就像他們在 《A Star is Born》頒獎禮露面期間,與這位明星合作一樣,這些服裝具有能取悅人群的戲劇性,更說明 Gaga 在荷里活一線明星中的地位。

Lady Gaga 近日忙於錄製她與 Tony Bennett 一起拍攝的 MTV Unplugged 特別節目。而最後一套, Gaga 換上極闊燈籠袖波點上衣,配上黑色窄長裙,手更拿著一個寫著 “Love for Sale”手袋,便是向 Tony Bennett 的歌曲 《Love for Sale》作致敬。


NEW YORK - JULY 02: Lady Gaga is seen leaving her hotel on July 2, 2021 in New York City.

NEW YORK - JULY 02: Lady Gaga is seen leaving her hotel on July 2, 2021 in New York City.


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