身為品牌大使,Kristen Stewart與Chanel的默契相信已不用多說。她常年以品牌造型現身各大公眾場合,身穿的往往都是剛剛在時裝展亮相的最新系列,比如奧斯卡頒獎典禮的短褲套裝,康城影展的搞定禮服等等… 在剛剛落下帷幕的第73屆柏林影展開幕式中,身為有史以來最年輕評審團主席的她,再一次以Chanel造型示人。

「Chanel和我總是並肩作戰,它就像我的鎧甲、我的第二層肌膚。」Kristen Stewart與《VOGUE》分享道:「Virginie(Chanel現任創意總監)是一位難能可貴的合作夥伴,也給予我靈感,她對於藝術與人文的熱愛,正體現在她筆下的驚艷作品之中——每一件都是無與倫比。」

今次她身穿的禮服來自2023年春夏高級訂製系列,一件長款白色襯裙上,鑲嵌了鹿與樹葉的圖騰,再搭配白色夢幻紗裙。「我感到非常輕盈,這套造型具有最完美的結構和靈動感。對我來說,『鹿』象徵自由和安寧。」Kristen Stewart亦挑選了一雙白色皮革踝靴來完整今次的造型,頸間的水晶領結更成為點睛之筆。

BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: Kristen Stewart attends the "She Came to Me" premiere and Opening Ceremony red carpet during the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: Kristen Stewart attends the "She Came to Me" premiere and Opening Ceremony red carpet during the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

當提起擔任影展評審團主席這一事,Kristen Stewart深感這是與從前全然不同的體驗:「在不需要(以主演身份)宣傳一部電影的情況下,鑑賞和討論這部作品,對我來說是難得的放縱。」她分享道:「天南地北的觀眾匯聚於此,探討一部作品的內在涵意、提出新的疑問……這簡直是天堂!」

回到演員的身份,Kristen Stewart也將在不久的未來帶來更多好作品。除了即將上映的兩部電影《Love Lies Bleeding》和《Love Me》,她的導演處女作《The Chronology of Water》也在緊鑼密鼓地製作中。談起這場全新的冒險,她表示:「從我記事起,就已經在為成為電影製作者而努力。能夠呈現自己的內心世界,向他人展示你所看到的一切,如此獲得更親密的關係。無論好壞,我都義無反顧,我相信它將會反映出我生命中某個片刻的真相。」

BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: President of the International Jury Kristen Stewart attends the "She Came to Me" premiere and Opening Ceremony red carpet during the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: President of the International Jury Kristen Stewart attends the "She Came to Me" premiere and Opening Ceremony red carpet during the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)