在巴黎郊區Neuilly-sur-Seine的美國醫院接受治療的日本設計師高田賢三(Kenzo Takada),因Covid-19的併發症而去世,享年81。時裝品牌Kenzo在其Instagram頁面上發表聲明︰「Kenzo懷著無比悲痛的心情得知我們的創始人去世的消息。半個世紀以來,高田先生一直是時尚界的象徵性人物–總是為世界注入創意和色彩。如今,他的樂觀主義、對生活的熱情和慷慨大方仍然是我們品牌的支柱。」

1939年出生於日本姬路的高田賢三,1965年移居法國,1970年在巴黎創立Kenzo(原名Jungle Jap),並在巴黎的Galerie Vivienne開設了品牌的第一家專賣店。Kenzo是上世紀70年代巴黎時尚圈的一個重要部分,圍繞著夜生活,特別是在Palace俱樂部,他與設計師Karl Lagerfeld、攝影師Pierre et Gilles和歌手Grace Jones是派對朋友。

"Japanese designer Kenzō Takada and model/singer Grace Jones, get together at Studio 54 for a party in Kenzo's honor on September 14, 1977. (Photo by Nury Hernandez/New York Post Archives /(c) NYP Holdings, Inc. via Getty Images)"

"Japanese designer Kenzō Takada and model/singer Grace Jones, get together at Studio 54 for a party in Kenzo's honor on September 14, 1977. (Photo by Nury Hernandez/New York Post Archives /(c) NYP Holdings, Inc. via Getty Images)"


A barefoot fashion model wears a floral print skirt and shirt by Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada at his spring-summer 1988 fashion show in Paris. Kenzo presented his women's ready-to-wear collection at the show. (Photo by Pierre Vauthey/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

A barefoot fashion model wears a floral print skirt and shirt by Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada at his spring-summer 1988 fashion show in Paris. Kenzo presented his women's ready-to-wear collection at the show. (Photo by Pierre Vauthey/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

1993年,高田以約8000萬美元的價格將他的品牌賣給了LVMH,並在1999年完全退出,Gilles Rosier被邀請承擔女裝的創意方向,Roy Krejberg擔任男裝總監。後來的繼任者包括Antonio Marras、設計二人組Carol Lim和Humberto Leon,以及前Lacoste創意總監Felipe Oliveira Baptista(現任創意總監),目前在全球擁有122家門店。LVMH集團董事長兼首席執行官Bernard Arnault在高田賢三去世後發表的聲明中說:「高田賢三從上世紀70年代開始,為時尚界注入了一種詩意的輕盈和甜美的自由的基調,這啟發了他之後的許多設計師。」

Fashion models wear bright colored suits with matching turbans by Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada at his autumn-winter 1986-1987 fashion show in Paris. Kenzo presented his women's ready-to-wear collection at the show. (Photo by Pierre Vauthey/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

Fashion models wear bright colored suits with matching turbans by Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada at his autumn-winter 1986-1987 fashion show in Paris. Kenzo presented his women's ready-to-wear collection at the show. (Photo by Pierre Vauthey/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

離開Kenzo後,高田追求室內設計和家具,在2020年1月與Manheim和長期的創意助理Engelbert Honorat一起推出了豪華家具和生活方式品牌K-3,現在他被委託負責其創意指導。讓我們一同回顧他早年的經典作品,欣賞他帶來野艷的第一代日式風格。

