LISA/BLACKPINK 首次登上《VOGUE》 Hong Kong 是 2019 年 12 月的聖誕特刊,不足兩年, 她正式成為珠寶品牌 BVLGARI 的明星代言人,LISA/BLACKPINK 絕對是塑造潮流的重要影響者之一,也是 Gen Z 的時尚偶像,這個說法是絕對站得住腳。除了在紅遍全球的韓國女子天團中 擔任主舞、rapper 及副主唱的角色,LISA 最近還被網民公認為韓國第一偶像舞者——洋娃娃般的臉龐、 完美的身材與比例、霸氣十足的饒舌功力、美感與力量兼備的舞蹈讓她獲得了「人間芭比」、「dance machine」等稱號。她也是坐擁超過 5,000 萬追蹤人數的韓國 Instagram 女王。 當然最令人期待的是她將繼 Jennie、Rosé 後成為下一個發佈個人專輯的 BLACKPINK 成員。
在此之前,《VOGUE》Hong Kong 的時尚總監 Sean K. 與韓國攝影師 Kim Hee June 遠程緊密合作,在封面故事中呈現一個前衛、充滿力量並罕見流露出 性感一面的她——It’s all about fashion, It’s all about LISA.
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不得不說,在接受韓國 Kpop 嚴格訓練的每一位少男少女,都有着運動員般的精神。 而 Lalisa Manobal 更是讓人看到了追夢的可能性以及汗水可換來的成就。4 歲習舞, 2000 年 14 歲的她在 4,000 名泰國女生中脫穎而出拿到唯一的「Golden Ticket」, 隨即被 YG 簽下,隻身前往韓國開啟五年練習生之路。
她是 YG 公司成立以來唯一一位非韓裔的練習生,掌握韓、泰、英、日、中五國語言,最終成為了首個出道的外國歌手。如今 24 歲的她,私下活潑又可愛,一站在鏡頭面前便自然展現懾人的氣場,360 度零死角的時尚駕馭力是日積月累出的專業,舉手投足散發“born to be a star”的光芒。
出道五年,比時尚潮流更快換代的韓國偶像團體要如何守住「最強」地位? 我們確信,Lisa 的下一個十年更令人期待。

Top and jeans, all Celine. B.zero1 Rock necklace with rose gold pendant and black ceramic. B.zero1 Rock necklace with rose gold pendant, black ceramic and rose gold chain. On left: B.zero1 two-band ring with black ceramic. B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in rose gold and black ceramic. B.zero1 Design Legend four- band ring in rose gold. On right: B.zero1 Rock rose gold bracelet with black ceramic. B.zero1 rose gold bracelet with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock four-band ring in rose gold and black ceramic. B.zero1 one-band ring in rose gold and diamonds. B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in rose gold and black ceramic, Jumpsuit, necklace and heels, all BVLGARI.
LISA:我喜歡簡單卻又帶有小巧點綴的風格。從整體來看的時候貌似簡單,但是稍微以一些小點綴來裝飾的話,就能提升整個風格的完成度。幸運的是,很多人都喜歡我這種 風格,我感到很開心。
LISA:優點真的有很多,但是當中感受最為明顯的是能夠體會到多樣的季節。溫暖的春天、因為楓葉而變得斑斕的 秋天,還有下雪的冬天,都各自有着多樣的魅力。特別是在泰國沒有機會穿上羽絨等的冬季衣物,而在韓國則是可以按照季節需要穿上不同的服飾,這一點更加好。

Top, Shushu/Tong. Pants, Courrèges. B.zero1 necklace in white gold and diamonds. On left: B.zero1 bangle bracelet in white gold and diamond. B.zero1 ring in white gold and diamonds On right: B.zero1 large bangle bracelet in white gold and diamonds. B.zero1 four-band ring in white gold and diamonds. B.zero1 XXth Anniversary five-band ring in white gold, all BVLGARI.

Bodysuit, blazer, tights and gloves, all Mugler. B.zero1 Rock necklace with yellow gold pendant and diamonds. B.zero1 Rock necklace with yellow gold pendant, diamonds and yellow gold chain. B.zero1 Rock yellow gold earrings with diamonds. On left: B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in rose gold and black ceramic. B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in yellow gold and diamonds. On right: B.zero1 Rock four- band ring in yellow gold and diamonds. B.zero1 Design Legend three- band ring in rose gold. B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in yellow gold and diamonds, all BVLGARI.
《VOGUE》HK:你會如何形容與 BLACKPINK 團員間 的關係?
LISA: 我們就像是彼此的力量。因為一起度過了漫長的時光,所以每當有人感到疲憊時,馬上就能察覺出來,而且有如家人般清楚知道要怎樣做才能令對方的心情好起來。是在需要安慰與支持時首先會去找的人。
《VOGUE》HK:團員們都說你有能力提振他們的精神, 給她們的臉上帶來笑容。那有甚麼給你帶來笑容?

Dress, Coperni. B.zero1 pendant necklace in rose gold and diamonds. B.zero1 Rock necklace with rose gold pendant, black ceramic and rose gold chain. On left: B.zero1 Design Legend bangle bracelet in rose gold. B.zero1 Design Legend four- band ring in rose gold. On right: B.zero1 rose gold bangle bracelet. B.zero1 Design Legend three-band ring in rose gold. B.zero1 one-band ring in rose gold and diamonds. B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in rose gold. B.zero1 XXth Anniversary five-band ring in rose gold, all BVLGARI.

Dress, Celine. B.zero1 Rock yellow gold earrings with diamonds. On left: B.zero1 Rock rose gold bracelet with black ceramic. B.zero1 rose gold bracelet with diamonds. On right: B.zero1 Rock four- band ring in yellow gold with diamonds. B.zero1 Rock two-band ring in yellow gold with diamonds, all BVLGARI.
《VOGUE》HK:加入 BLACKPINK 時,你是否抱有任何期望?有預料過成續將是如此驚人嗎?
LISA:我一直都認為只要努力,夢想總有一天會實現的。 可是沒有想過能像現在般得到這麼多人的喜愛。比起預期收獲了更多人的厚愛和關心,因此每天都過得非常幸福。

Dress, Louis Shengtao Chen. B.zero1 pendant necklace in rose gold and diamonds. B.zero1 Rock necklace with rose gold pendant, black ceramic and rose gold chain. B.zero1 pendant necklace in rose gold with matte black ceramic. On left: B.zero1 rose gold bangle bracelet with BVLGARI logo on the spiral. B.zero1 bangle bracelet in rose gold. B.zero1 Rock rose gold bracelet with black ceramic. B.zero1 Rock yellow gold bracelet with diamonds. B.zero1 two-band ring with black ceramic. On right: B.zero1 rose gold bracelet set with diamonds. B.zero1 Design Legend bangle bracelet in rose gold. B.zero1 Design Legend three-band ring in rose gold. B.zero1 one-band ring in rose gold and diamonds, all BVLGARI.
LISA:沒有工作的日子,一般都會和可愛的貓咪們一起度過。我會陪牠們玩,也會捕捉牠們可愛的模樣拍照留念。 貓咪們很愛撒嬌,所以陪牠們玩的時候,自己同時也得到了慰藉,變得幸福。
LISA:說不定我的粉絲都知道,我非常喜歡復古風。雖然我也喜歡在華麗的舞台上穿着帥氣的服裝,但是復古風服裝或是一些小玩意,原封不動地保留着能讓人感受到時間流逝的痕跡,也正是它的魅力之處。最近我沉迷在收集這種復古風服裝和小玩意之中! 1 necklace in white gold and diamonds. On left: B.zero1 four-bands ring in white gold and diamonds. B.zero1 bangle bracelet in white gold and diamonds. On right: B.zero1 XXth Anniversary five-band ring in white gold. B.zero1 ring in white gold and diamonds. B.zero1 large bangle bracelet in white gold and diamonds, all BVLGARI.
Photographer: Kim Hee June
Creative and Fashion Director: Sean Kunjambu
Stylist: Meen Hee Park
Hair Stylist: Seon Young Lee
Makeup Artist: Myung Sun Lee
Manicurist: Eun Kyung Park
Fashion Assistant: Cherry Mui
Executive Producer: Lee Kyung Kim at BL Creative House
Coordinator: Y W Lee
Cover Jewellery: Bulgari
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Vogue Hong Kong