Jodie Comer因出演美劇《 Killing Eve》一舉成名,並憑藉劇中角色Villanelle獲得艾美獎、BAFTA等多項提名。有「英國東尼獎」之稱的劇場界盛事奧利弗獎(Olivier Awards)頒獎典禮於上星期日落幕,見證了Jodie Comer的又一里程碑——她憑藉舞台劇《Prima Facie》中年輕律師Tessa一角,在當晚奪得「最佳女主角」殊榮。

「這對我來說是一個十分重要的時刻,我希望當晚的造型能圓滿這個難忘的夜晚。」Jodie Comer分享道,而她在造型師Elizabeth Saltzman的幫助下,從Alexander McQueen最新發佈的2023年秋冬系列中挑選了一件極具雕塑感的禮服,見證她當晚獲獎時刻。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 02: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Jodie Comer with the Best Actress award for “Prima Facie” onstage at The Olivier Awards 2023 at the Royal Albert Hall on April 02, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for SOLT)

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 02: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Jodie Comer with the Best Actress award for “Prima Facie” onstage at The Olivier Awards 2023 at the Royal Albert Hall on April 02, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for SOLT)

在挑選禮服時,Jodie Comer無意間看到了已故創始人Lee Alexander McQueen曾說過的一句話——他設計服裝,並非希望女性僅僅被定義為「天真純潔」的象徵:「我不想利用女人的美,也不希望男人在街上對女人吹口哨,她們應該得到更多尊重……我知道『厭女症』,我希望人們對我所打扮的女性心生敬畏。」

而Jodie Comer在《Prima Facie》中的律師角色,恰好是專門為被指控性侵的男人辯護,隨後她自己也成為了性侵的受害者。因此在看到這句話時,她內心非常感動:「這句話讓我產生共鳴,也非常適合《Prima Facie》的主旨。就像是命中注定,Alexander McQueen正是陪伴我站上領獎台的最理想選擇。」

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 02: Paul Mescal, winner of the Best Actor award for "A Streetcar Named Desire", and Jodie Comer, winner of the Best Actress award for "Prima Facie", pose in the winner's room at The Olivier Awards 2023 at Royal Albert Hall on April 2, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 02: Paul Mescal, winner of the Best Actor award for "A Streetcar Named Desire", and Jodie Comer, winner of the Best Actress award for "Prima Facie", pose in the winner's room at The Olivier Awards 2023 at Royal Albert Hall on April 2, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images)

造型師Elizabeth Saltzman從《獨行殺姬 Killing Eve》起就與Jodie Comer緊密合作,今次也與這個決定一拍即合:「McQueen一直支持堅強、自信的女性。任何穿上McQueen的女性,都會感到自己被賦予了力量。」她提起自己在三月巴黎時裝週看到Sarah Burton的最新系列時,立刻就愛上了當中的第22套造型,其醒目的紅色調正符合當下流行趨勢,精心設計的褶皺也別具美感。

今季 Sarah Burton 從解剖學概念中汲取靈感,而這套造型正是結構了風衣的輪廓。直言是回到了與設計大師本人Lee Alexander McQueen共事時的啟發,繼續以Savile Row為靈感:「這是一個循序漸進的過程,開始是非常直接的、結構化;之後漸漸閃爍、扭曲、顛倒……正如做一件衣服——你必須先知道構造它的方法、它的骨架,然後你才能剖析並顛覆它。」

Look 22 from Alexander McQueen’s autumn/winter 2023 runway.

Look 22 from Alexander McQueen’s autumn/winter 2023 runway.

A poly faille toile of the deconstructed trench dress in the house’s London atelier.

A poly faille toile of the deconstructed trench dress in the house’s London atelier.