J. Crew宣布,其母公司Chinos Holdings已向維珍妮亞州東區聯邦破產法院申請破產保護。作為其財務重組計劃的一部分,它將把16.5億美元的債務轉為股權,將控制權交給包括對沖基金Anchorage Capital在內的頂級債權人。該公司已經獲得了4億美元的債務人持有貸款,還計劃保留其Madewell品牌,它曾考慮將其分拆成一家上市公司。

KANSAS CITY, MO - APRIL 02: A closed sign is seen in the entrance of the J. Crew store at Country Club Plaza as the Coronavirus Pandemic causes a climate of anxiety and changing routines in America on April 02, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri. Country Club Plaza, an outdoor shopping center, is usually bustling but now sits virtually empty in the midst of the Pandemic. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

KANSAS CITY, MO - APRIL 02: A closed sign is seen in the entrance of the J. Crew store at Country Club Plaza as the Coronavirus Pandemic causes a climate of anxiety and changing routines in America on April 02, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri. Country Club Plaza, an outdoor shopping center, is usually bustling but now sits virtually empty in the midst of the Pandemic. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

J. Crew補充說,在整個重組期間,其線上業務將繼續正常運營,合併計劃在解除封鎖後,重新開設J.Crew和Madewell店鋪。它在給顧客的信息中說,禮品卡和退換貨業務不會受到影響,並補充說,它計劃為購物者提供 「多年服務」。

WASHINGTON - JANUARY 20: President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk in the Inaugural Parade on January 20, 2009 in Washington, DC. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African-American to be elected President of the US. (Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON - JANUARY 20: President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk in the Inaugural Parade on January 20, 2009 in Washington, DC. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African-American to be elected President of the US. (Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)

據兩位知情人士透露,該公司與貸款人就如何處理債務問題進行了數週的談判,並在周日晚間的董事會會議後做出了這一決定,因為討論是保密的,所以他們在匿名的情況下發表了講話。新型肺炎對已經疲軟的零售業來說是災難性的。 3月份,美國服裝和飾品的銷售額下降了一半以上。 4月份的數字預計會更糟糕,因為許多商店至少在3月份的部分時間裡還在營業(電子商務對大多數連鎖店的總銷售額的貢獻相對較小,但不足以彌補倒閉的損失)。零售商們紛紛解僱員工,削減高管工資,並囤積現金,企圖在停業前絕處逢生。而人們普遍認為,J. Crew不太可能是唯一一家面臨倒閉的零售商。