名人官司總是會成為大眾的焦點。從因入店 Marc Jacobs 行竊而選擇以 Marc Jacobs 黑色連衣裙受審的 Winona Ryder、或是超模 Kate Moss 以霸氣造型為 Johnny Depp與前妻 Amber Heard出案件庭作證,甚至 Netflix《創造安娜 Inventing Anna》中的原型人物 Anna Sorokin 更憑那些標誌性「法庭時尚」更獲得了專屬 Instagram 帳號——明星們似乎對法庭著裝非常講究——畢竟這也是一個公開露面的場合。

而最新的例子是前奧斯卡影后 Gwyneth Paltrow。她目前正在猶他州接受一宗在 2016 年發生的滑雪事故的審判,否認指控的她在受審與律師對答的內容更隨即成為了網絡的熱話。撇除談論案情,Gwyneth Paltrow 連日來的「法庭時尚」亦非常值得關注,因為她似乎以一種時尚的方式來申辯「無罪」。

盤點Gwyneth Paltrow近日的「法庭時尚」衣櫥:

PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 21: Gwyneth Paltrow is seen leaving court on March 21, 2023 in Park City, Utah. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 21: Gwyneth Paltrow is seen leaving court on March 21, 2023 in Park City, Utah. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

鑑於 Gwyneth Paltrow被一位退休的驗光師起訴,網上對她選擇的眼鏡款式反應熱烈。

鑑於 Gwyneth Paltrow被一位退休的驗光師起訴,網上對她選擇的眼鏡款式反應熱烈。

Gwyneth Paltrow 出庭的第一天,她選擇了中性色調的造型,身穿一身米色針織高領毛衣配上橄欖色羊毛外套,搭配價值 1,200 美元的 Celine 繫帶靴和一副 Rayban 飛行員太陽眼鏡,流露了別緻而實用的低調奢華氣息。

由於 Gwyneth Paltrow 是被一位退休的驗光師起訴,網上對她選擇的眼鏡款式反應熱烈,而她戴上 80年代風格的眼鏡更是相當「妙不可言」。

在第二天,Gwyneth Paltrow 再次選擇了白色造型。她換上了一件自家品牌 G. Label by Goop 的白色腰帶針織衫(有人指這暗示着滑雪風格),她收起了首天的低調風格,於手和頸上戴上了各款厚實的金色首飾,同時還手提著一個棕色皮革的 Old Celine Celine Big Bag 手袋,自信地走到庭上。

PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 23: Gwyneth Paltrow is seen arriving at court on March 23, 2023 in Park City, Utah. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 23: Gwyneth Paltrow is seen arriving at court on March 23, 2023 in Park City, Utah. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

PARK CITY, UT - MARCH 23: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow enters the courtroom after a lunch break on March 23, 2023, in Park City, Utah. Terry Sanderson is suing actress Gwyneth Paltrow for $300,000, claiming she recklessly crashed into him while the two were skiing on a beginner run at Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah in 2016. (Photo by Jeff Swinger-Pool/Getty Images)

PARK CITY, UT - MARCH 23: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow enters the courtroom after a lunch break on March 23, 2023, in Park City, Utah. Terry Sanderson is suing actress Gwyneth Paltrow for $300,000, claiming she recklessly crashed into him while the two were skiing on a beginner run at Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah in 2016. (Photo by Jeff Swinger-Pool/Getty Images)

第三天出庭時,Gwyneth Paltrow 則穿了一件灰色雙排扣西裝外套及西褲,她當天佩戴了更多的黃金首飾,包括一條定制的 Foundrae 項鍊,更手提一枝玻璃瓶身的 Mountain Valley 水及 Smythson 記事薄現身,看起來非常氣定神閒。


PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 24: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow enters the courtroom for her trial on March 24, 2023, in Park City, Utah. Terry Sanderson is suing actress Gwyneth Paltrow for $300,000, claiming she recklessly crashed into him while the two were skiing on a beginner run at Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah in 2016. (Photo by Rick Bowmer-Pool/Getty Images)

PARK CITY, UTAH - MARCH 24: Actress Gwyneth Paltrow enters the courtroom for her trial on March 24, 2023, in Park City, Utah. Terry Sanderson is suing actress Gwyneth Paltrow for $300,000, claiming she recklessly crashed into him while the two were skiing on a beginner run at Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah in 2016. (Photo by Rick Bowmer-Pool/Getty Images)

到了第四天,亦即是 Gwyneth Paltrow 最終作證的日子,她則穿了一件海軍藍長袖鈕扣毛衣配上同色系中長裙,並搭配着緊身褲和一雙厚底靴——看起來樸實無華,像暗示她的清白。