大家有沒有曾經對女裝手袋產生疑問?像是人工整容般的 A形,B扣、C手挽,D印花;曾經創意十足的女裝手袋,現時被過度公式化地生產出來,明顯設計不是針對時尚人而生吧。

反觀近年男裝手袋越戰越強,Fendi是男裝袋的Key Player,像與Porter合作推出的Baguette或是自家煉成的Peekaboo,也是男士們的most wanted item。

Fendi 創作總監Silvia Venturini Fendi一向很懂得設計時尚的男裝。舉剛在米蘭男裝時裝週舉行的時裝展為例,設計話題甚多,像上列這套以photochromic materials製成的外套,運動感十足的輪廓配上padding布料,本應是時尚絕緣體,但是黑色的trimming在外套中間畫出像”F”字般的線條,這些不著痕跡的branding提升了整個造型的質感。

以 Fendi 本身的紙袋和包裝盒為靈感的手袋設計是本季的重點。一直以來,不論多年前的Chanel,數年前與H&M合作推出「紙袋」手袋的Kenzo,不時在天橋用「小紙袋」來襯衫的Moschino,還是近年一直推出不同尺寸「紙袋」的Balenciaga,時尚界一直對這種幽默樂此不疲。我最喜歡的是 Tim Blanks 與Fendi 創作總監Silvia Venturini Fendi的對話,當Tim Blanks問她,會放甚麼在這個方型吊飾盒子(見下圖)?Silvia Venturini Fendi回答:你的幽默感。

今季手袋設計以box bag為主,撇除了Louis Vuitton,Fendi的box bag設計可謂是獨市,因選擇多,而且男女通用,價錢相對多選擇(因box bag多數也是兩三萬起跳)。而且黃色是2020年秋冬的主調,是Fendi的著名顏色,讓手袋更具收藏價值,但願設計不會像Porter的聯乘一樣,一落貨便被人一掃而空。

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the Fendi fashion show on January 13, 2020 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'aprano/Getty Images)