Emma  Corrin從來都不怕在紅地毯上穿得有一點怪異,一直以來以大膽、趣味的紅地毯造型見稱,這一點與其長期合作的造型師 Harry Lambert 有着莫大的關係,誰又能忘記他為其打造的 Loewe 氣球胸罩造型,以及在 Met Gala 的 Evander Berry Wall 懷錶造型呢?

至於在今屆倫敦電影節的最後一晚,Emma Corrin 參加酷兒浪漫劇《My Policeman》的首映禮時,又帶來了另一矚目的紅地毯造型,並引發了話題——她穿了一件充滿光澤的迷你連衣裙登場,其設計就像一條金魚綁在塑料袋裡。

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 15: Emma Corrin attends the European Premiere of "My Policeman" during the 66th BFI London Film Festival at The Royal Festival Hall on October 15, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/WireImage)

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 15: Emma Corrin attends the European Premiere of "My Policeman" during the 66th BFI London Film Festival at The Royal Festival Hall on October 15, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/WireImage)

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 15: Emma Corrin attends the European Premiere of "My Policeman" during the 66th BFI London Film Festival at The Royal Festival Hall on October 15, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/WireImage)

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 15: Emma Corrin attends the European Premiere of "My Policeman" during the 66th BFI London Film Festival at The Royal Festival Hall on October 15, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/WireImage)

Emma Corrin 和 Harry Lambert 這對組合樂於接受他們經常合作的品牌那些更奇怪、更顛覆性的想法——在這次 Emma Corrin 身上的「金魚袋」連衣裙正是來自 JW Anderson 上月在倫敦時裝周最新發布的 2023 春夏系列

在今季,設計師 Jonathan Anderson 以早期互聯網的視覺主題,將海豚、日落、地球等原本來自 Shutterstock 網絡付費的圖片,扭曲成成現實的時裝服飾,並帶有一點諷刺現實的意味。因此,Harry Lambert 為 Emma Corrin  穿上 「金魚袋」連衣裙上場,不禁令人猜想是否與名人的隱喻有關。

JW Anderson Spring Summer 2023

JW Anderson Spring Summer 2023

當然,這絕對不是這對組合在今屆的倫敦電影節所帶來的唯一驚喜。 Emma Corrin 在上星期五參加了《Lady Chatterley’s Lover 》的首映禮,造型師 Harry Lambert 為其換上了一套電藍色的透視 Miu Miu 裙裝以及一頭濕髮造型,Corrin 在 Instagram 上稱讚導演Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre 是一名真正的幻想家,並寫道:「情色主義回來了。(Eroticism is back)」,選擇以造型回應了電影所頌揚的女性快樂和身體自主。


即使不在紅地毯,Emma Corrin 的造型亦充滿看點。在當天晚上的 Cocktail Party 上,Emma Corrin 又換上了一件超大的16Arlington西裝外套,(其原本配上了絲襪)但這一次 Corrin 大膽地選擇了不穿上任何下裝,只搭配首一雙 Church’s brogues 皮鞋和白色襪子,展示了優雅而又帶點挑逗的時尚造型——你可能也不禁會問:還有什麼是 Emma Corrin 不敢穿,以且不難駕馭的造型?

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 14: Emma Corrin attends the post-premiere drinks reception for "Lady Chatterley's Lover" at Kettner's Townhouse on October 14, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Netflix)

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 14: Emma Corrin attends the post-premiere drinks reception for "Lady Chatterley's Lover" at Kettner's Townhouse on October 14, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Netflix)