香奈兒手袋一向受到不少女生所愛,愛的除了是手袋的設計,還有背後品牌一直秉持 Coco Chanel 那種無畏無懼的創新精神。今次推出的 Chanel 22 Bag,正是藝術總監 Virginie Viard上任以來,繼推出 Chanel 19 Bag後的第二款手袋,利用柔和的皮革,將奢華及日常拼湊在一起,同樣演繹了關於打破既定規則的精神。

在2022春夏時裝展首度亮相的 Chanel 22 Bag,與19 Bag一樣,以包款的誕生年份來為手袋命名,還呼應了品牌在1922年所推出的第二款香水N°22。

Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh
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最新形象廣告再次找來荷蘭攝影雙人組 Inez and Vinoodh 負責,三輯廣告分別於洛杉磯、蒙大拿州及紐約取景拍攝,在他們的鏡頭下,以三位品牌大使 Lily-Rose Depp、Margaret Qualley 及 Whitney Peak 的日常生活為場景,呼應這款手袋為日常生活而打造的初衷,更立體地表現其個性及迷人氣質。

Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
Chanel 22 bag campaign by Inez & Vinoodh - Behind the scenes
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I feel like I could bring this bag anywhere! To work, to stroll around alone, to sit and read in a park, on a date, even to the beach!

Lily-Rose Depp

設計方面,Chanel 22 Bag專為日常生活所打造,以柔軟且堅韌的皮革應對攜帶的便利性及需要的收納空間,Lily 亦感慨:「Virginie 創造了一款手袋,可以讓任何裝扮看起來華麗而永恆,她也明白佩戴它的人可能在很多不同的情況下都需要它,因此這款手袋適合各種場合。」

初次亮相的 Chanel 22 Bag 擁有大、中、小共三種尺寸,還有一款背囊,並有豐富的色調如藍色、紫色、粉紅色等,以及經典的黑白色;柔軟袋身配上品牌標誌性的鏈條,融入奢華與休閒的時尚氣息。