由登上《Vogue 》的封面,到不止一次稱霸巴黎時裝週(誰能忘記 Coperni 今季的最後一幕),Bella Hadid 踏入她的風格全盛時期。但她的個人風格一直都是不可預測而且充滿戲劇性的——從名聲大噪的運動休閒裝各款復古單品——但她最近的一次亮相是改變了她慣常的街頭服飾以及 Y2K 風格的打扮。

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - OCTOBER 17: Bella Hadid attends God's Love We Deliver 16th Annual Golden Heart Awards at The Glasshouse on October 17, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - OCTOBER 17: Bella Hadid attends God's Love We Deliver 16th Annual Golden Heart Awards at The Glasshouse on October 17, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 17: Bella Hadid's is seen on October 17, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)

NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 17: Bella Hadid's is seen on October 17, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)

在 10 月 17 日,在紐約市的 Golden Heart Awards頒獎典禮上,這位 26 歲的超模展現了一種永恆的魅力。她配合 Golden Heart主題,以一件閃亮的金色Michael Kors 手工裝飾連衣裙亮相,採有超低 V 領,配以一雙繫帶金色涼鞋和鑽石吊燈耳環,帶來一身閃爍迷人的造型,並在當晚獲得了心理健康倡導 Golden Heart 獎。

作為當下的 Z 世代時尚明星,她一直喜歡寬鬆的廓形和時髦的配飾,但這次看到這位模特兒採用更經典的紅毯裝扮方式,實在令人耳目一新。
