《慾望都市》由 Sarah Jessica Parker 飾演女主角 Carrie Bradshaw 被劫一幕時,曾說出那一句調侃又詼諧的台詞:「It’s not a bag, it’s a Baguette!」,這經典對白既有趣又真實地反映出「手袋」的意義早已遠超了人們的想象。

Bethan Laura Wood with her collaboration with Valextra Photography by Anthony Lycett

Bethan Laura Wood with her collaboration with Valextra Photography by Anthony Lycett

是次展覽以Bags: Inside Out命名,負責策展的 Lucia Savi 博士正是以手袋的外觀和隱藏其中的秘密為靈感,通過三大主題「功用與性能(Function and Utility)」、「地位與身份(Status and Identity)」和「設計與製作(Design and Making)」,名符其實地由內到外的深入剖析手袋這個標誌性的時尚配飾,帶來一場關於手袋的精彩盛宴。

Model with Lait de Coco Evening Bag, Karl Lagerfeld, 2014 ©Jason Lloyd Evans

Model with Lait de Coco Evening Bag, Karl Lagerfeld, 2014 ©Jason Lloyd Evans

Lemiere, Opera bag and contents, c.1910, Paris ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Lemiere, Opera bag and contents, c.1910, Paris ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Bags: Inside Out將展出超過 240件跨越16世紀至今、來自世界的展品,涵蓋眾多名人私藏、設計師經典作品以至多年來人們夢寐以求的 dream bag 設計。芸芸展品當中最不可錯過的,一定是品牌那些以名人來命名的手袋,包括以摩納哥王妃 Grace Kelly 命名的 Hermès 「Kelly」,或是 Christian Dior 以戴安娜王妃命名的「Lady Dior」手袋等——讓人們可以一睹這些充滿傳奇色彩的經典手袋,同時了解設計是如何經歷數十載至今,仍能成為人們趨之若鶩的款式,還有當中的明星效應。


Letter case, c.1810, England ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Rhinestone encrusted metal 'Faberge Egg' evening bag, Judith Leiber ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Victoria Beckham, powder box bag, Autumn-Winter 2018. United Kingdom ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Gianni Versace, Safety-pin handbag, Spring-Summer 1994, Italy ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Fendi Baguette bag worn by Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City, 2000, Italy. Image courtesy of Fendi
TOD’S 'Unicorn D-Styling’ bag Mr. Bags in collaboration with TOD’S, 2019 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Letter case, c.1810, England ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Rhinestone encrusted metal 'Faberge Egg' evening bag, Judith Leiber ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Victoria Beckham, powder box bag, Autumn-Winter 2018. United Kingdom ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Gianni Versace, Safety-pin handbag, Spring-Summer 1994, Italy ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Fendi Baguette bag worn by Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City, 2000, Italy. Image courtesy of Fendi
TOD’S 'Unicorn D-Styling’ bag Mr. Bags in collaboration with TOD’S, 2019 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
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此外,是次巡迴展覽另一大看點,還有由太古地產共同策劃的「手袋收藏(Collecting Bags)」部分。香港站更邀請天后陳慧琳(Kelly Chen)展出珍藏着回憶與愛好的手袋,觀眾可以近距離欣賞各款對 Kelly 意義非凡的手袋,從中了解手袋與她之間彌足珍貴的回憶和經歷,充分感受Bags: Inside Out的真正內涵。

Bags: Inside Out展覽詳情
