還記得Raf Simons當年任職Calvin Klein創意總監時的風風火火,在他的紐約首展上,像風一樣的神秘女子Lulu Tenney迅速抓住了大眾的眼球,她看起來清冷但又稍顯青澀的臉龐不僅刮起了一陣新的時尚,也讓時尚圈追捧起來。作為今期《VOGUE》Hong Kong封面人物之一,年紀輕輕的她為何能被時尚圈如此賞識呢?

出道便被Raf Simons相中,欽點她為Calvin Klein時裝展開場!

來自美國紐約的Lulu Tenney走入模特行業的契機竟然是在大街上,當時她被一位看似來問路的女人詢問,向她拋出了要不要當模特兒的橄欖枝,而這位女人後來也成為了她的經紀人。成為模特兒後,Lulu憑藉獨特的氣質隨即就被Raf Simons發掘,讓她擔任Calvin Klein 2017秋冬系列的開場模特兒。

這次時裝展也讓她成功被時尚圈看到,之後她也和Raf Simons展開了多次合作,並參與了MyCalvins的廣告大片,和Paris Jackson、Millie Bobby Brown一同出鏡,其新星之勢可謂勢不可擋。


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憂鬱清冷但又清新充滿仙氣的面孔,讓她被譽為「年輕版Kate Moss」

Lulu Tenney擁有一副時尚圈極其特別的面孔,她既有憂鬱、清冷的氣質,但時而又讓你覺得十分清新可愛,而在時裝展天橋上,她又常常仙氣逼人,讓人無法靠近。也正是憑藉這股看似矛盾但實則獨特的氣質,讓她迅速俘獲了Chanel、Dior、Fendi、Valentino、Loewe、Chloe、Givenchy等大牌,成為時裝週上的當紅面孔。


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NEW YORK, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 11: Lulu Tenney walks the runway for the Coach 1941 fashion show during February 2020 - New York Fashion Week on February 11, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Peter White/WireImage)
PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 01: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Lulu Tenney walks the runway during the Givenchy as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021 on March 01, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 13: Lulu Tenney walks the runway for Calvin Klein Collection during New York Fashion Week on February 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
Max Mara
Maison Margiela
Bottega Veneta
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 27: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Lulu Tenney walks the runway during the Chloe show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021 on February 27, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 11: Lulu Tenney walks the runway for the Coach 1941 fashion show during February 2020 - New York Fashion Week on February 11, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Peter White/WireImage)
PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 01: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Lulu Tenney walks the runway during the Givenchy as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021 on March 01, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 13: Lulu Tenney walks the runway for Calvin Klein Collection during New York Fashion Week on February 13, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
Max Mara
Maison Margiela
Bottega Veneta
PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 27: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Lulu Tenney walks the runway during the Chloe show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021 on February 27, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)
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許多時尚媒體也將她同年輕時的Kate Moss比較,兩位都有清冷的氣質,且都曾是Calvin Klein Girl,還有人則認為她的長相是Kate Moss和Hanne Gaby的完美結合,但不論她像誰,她都已經是無可厚非的新生代超模!


在登上《VOGUE》Hong Kong之前,Lulu已經在《VOGUE》意大利亮相過多次,而她首次登上《VOGUE》意大利這樣的國際權威時尚雜誌時,她還只有15歲,這對許多模特兒來說都是夢寐以求的成績。除此之外,她也曾登上了《VOGUE》烏克蘭和《VOGUE》中國等多個《VOGUE》版本的封面,成為當下最具潛力的模特兒。


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