在陽光明媚的背景下,在一個反常溫暖的五月天,英女王穿著她多年來的經典馬術服騎馬出遊。她決定戴上一條鮮艷的粉紅色印有騎師絲綢的頭巾,而不是她的時尚武器庫中的其他無數條暗淡無光的頭巾,這很可能是她刻意為之。利用色彩來傳達信息,是女王在皇室服裝師Angela Kelly的幫助下,數十年來磨練出的一項技能。她致力於穿上鮮艷的色調,這是因為她希望盡可能地讓她所服務的人看到她,同時也是為了在履行王室職責時喚起人們的好心情。例如,她在4月5日向全國人民發表演講時穿的綠松石色的春天般的色調,在平靜和前瞻性之間取得了恰到好處的平衡。

WINDSOR, ENGLAND - MAY: Issue date: Sunday May 31, Queen Elizabeth II rides Balmoral Fern, a 14-year-old Fell Pony, in Windsor Home Park over the weekend of May 30 and May 31, 2020 in Windsor, England. The Queen has been in residence at Windsor Castle during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

WINDSOR, ENGLAND - MAY: Issue date: Sunday May 31, Queen Elizabeth II rides Balmoral Fern, a 14-year-old Fell Pony, in Windsor Home Park over the weekend of May 30 and May 31, 2020 in Windsor, England. The Queen has been in residence at Windsor Castle during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

為了向愛和同情心的顏色點頭,她的髮型和頭飾中的粉紅色看起來也很討喜。毫無疑問,英女王聽到賽馬會回歸的消息,一定會很高興。但同時,隨著封鎖措施的放鬆,英國正在走出黑暗時期。 「我們會成功的,而這種成功將屬於我們每個人,」她在4月5日說。 「我們將再次和朋友們在一起;我們將再次和家人在一起;我們將再次相聚。」

Queen Elizabeth II, Ronald Reagan, President of the USA, Queen Elizabeth II riding in the grounds of Windsor Castle with US President Ronald Reagan, during his state visit to the UK, 8th June 1982. She is riding her horse ëBurmeseí and he is mounted on 'Centennial', both gifts to the Queen from the Canadian Mounted Police, 8th June 1982. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)

Queen Elizabeth II, Ronald Reagan, President of the USA, Queen Elizabeth II riding in the grounds of Windsor Castle with US President Ronald Reagan, during his state visit to the UK, 8th June 1982. She is riding her horse ëBurmeseí and he is mounted on 'Centennial', both gifts to the Queen from the Canadian Mounted Police, 8th June 1982. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)