演而優則導,這是演藝圈人的career path,對於演藝世家出身的Maggie Gyllenhaal,由演員再當上導演之路是很理所當然。


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Maggie Gyllenhaal曾以《Crazy Heart》獲提名奧斯卡最佳女配角,幕前演出多年終於作出新嘗試,親自執筆改編自意大利作家Elena Ferrante於2006年推出的同名小說《The Lost Daughter》,是Gyllenhaal 作為導演的處女作,並入選競逐2021威尼斯金獅獎。

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Maggie and Jack Gyllenhaal attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Alessandra Benedetti - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)
《The Lost Daughte》於威尼斯影展首影當日,Maggie Gyllenhaal與弟弟Jack Gyllenhaal 驚喜同場現身

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Maggie and Jack Gyllenhaal attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Alessandra Benedetti - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

《The Lost Daughte》於威尼斯影展首影當日,Maggie Gyllenhaal與弟弟Jack Gyllenhaal 驚喜同場現身

Maggie Gyllenhaal 在大小熒幕上都頗為活躍,為人所熟識的有電影《Donnie Darko》和電視劇《The Deuce》,後者亦會拍成電影。在去年二月,Gyllenhaal剛宣佈將會開拍這部電影時,她在訪問中這樣說:「當我看畢Elena Ferrante寫的《The lost daughter》這本書後, 我認為那些隱藏而真實的東西,從這部小說中,給狠狠地說了出來,我覺得如果可以以電影為表達方式,同時有更多人參與其中,這力度將會更強。」

現在兩位最受愛戴的女演員,Olivia Colman和Dakota Johnson 成為這部電影的主角。電影內容講述一名大學教授Leda (Olivia Colman飾)在海邊過暑假,遇上一名帶著自己女兒渡假的年輕媽媽(Dakota Johnson飾),令她開始回憶起自己亦曾為人母的畫面,而漸漸讓她的精神創傷浮面。故事情節可想而知是既擾人又黑暗。


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由Gyllenhaal親自執筆寫劇本和製作,Jessie Buckley 飾演年輕的Leda,《Normal People》的Paul Mescal ,Ed Harris, Dagmara Dominczyk 和Peter Sarsgaard 共同參演。電影曾經歷一段頗長的時間尋找發行商,直至Netflix的出現。而Netflix 也是很多這類型的作品的出路,是令它們可以推廣至更廣的觀眾層面的途徑。

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Colman、Johnson、Gyllenhaal和Ferrante的陣容點到即止,這套電影原本在2020年的夏天在美國New Jersey取景,後來因為美國的疫情的關係而改為在希臘的海灘上拍攝。雖然戲中的一對夫妻曾在拍攝期間曝光,但其他拍攝過程並沒被流出,劇組至今隻公開兩張劇照。電影將會在12月31日在美國首播。


《The Lost Daughter》於2006推出,是一個關於母女關係的寫照。當中講述一位離婚婦人,當知道自己的女兒選擇與父親生活後,她毅然走到海邊渡假。在那裏她遇到另一個女人,這讓她意識到她自己實際上是一個固執而孤獨的人。Elena Ferrante認為這是她自己最引以為豪的小說作品之一。小說已在42 個地區出版,全球銷量超過550 萬冊。


VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Olivia Colman, Dakota Johnson and Maggie Gyllenhaal attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images for Netflix)
兩位女主角Olivia Coleman(左)和Dakota Johnson (中)與導演Maggie Gyllenhaal在紅地毯上合照。
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Dakota Johnson attends the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)
Dakota Johnson 穿上Gucci 踏上紅地毯。
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Peter Sarsgaard, Olivia Colman, Dakota Johnson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Alba Rohrwacher and Talia Kleinhendler attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Olivia Colman, Dakota Johnson and Maggie Gyllenhaal attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images for Netflix)
兩位女主角Olivia Coleman(左)和Dakota Johnson (中)與導演Maggie Gyllenhaal在紅地毯上合照。
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Dakota Johnson attends the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)
Dakota Johnson 穿上Gucci 踏上紅地毯。
VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 03: Peter Sarsgaard, Olivia Colman, Dakota Johnson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Alba Rohrwacher and Talia Kleinhendler attend the red carpet of the movie "The Lost Daughter" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 03, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)
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