BRIGHT, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 11: Katy Perry poses for a photograph on March 11, 2020 in Bright, Australia. The free Fight On concert was held for for firefighters and communities recently affected by the devastating bushfires in Victoria. (Photo by Daniel Pockett/Getty Images)

BRIGHT, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 11: Katy Perry poses for a photograph on March 11, 2020 in Bright, Australia. The free Fight On concert was held for for firefighters and communities recently affected by the devastating bushfires in Victoria. (Photo by Daniel Pockett/Getty Images)

這是 Katy Perry 與未婚夫 Orlando Bloom 的第一個孩子,而保密功夫做到足的兩人,在 Katy Perry 發佈新歌《Never Worn White》中便處處暗示自己懷孕,到音樂短片的最後更驚喜發放漂亮的懷孕畫面,簡直雙喜臨門。


上個星期四便首次身穿螢光綠色的 Valentino 短裙出席澳洲叢林大火慈善音樂會,毫無懷味的她,依然美麗動人。甚至擺脫往日高跟鞋的造型,換上藍色波鞋相襯。而螢光眼線的妝容和高捲曲的馬尾,展現出 Katy Perry 活潑動力的一面,完美現出滿滿正能量,給予消防員們的支持和鼓勵。