就目前而言,前往法國聖特羅佩(St Tropez)沙灘似乎是遙不可及的夢想。不妨回看威爾斯王妃戴安娜(Diana)在80及90年代度假時的照片,有擁抱夏日陽光與沙灘,亦有享受海風的遊艇照,經典且令人神往。

服裝方面,亞麻材質、充滿活力的泳衣及連身裙,均構成戴安娜王妃皇室時尚中最令人難忘的元素之一。當中,戴安娜王妃穿上淡黃色連身褲,搭配啡色皮帶及珠寶,讓她在1987年的摩洛哥旅行中顯得無比容光煥發;而她的泳衣系列就有1985年在法國南部所穿的標誌性花卉三點式 Bikini,還有十分經典的豹紋圖案泳衣及鮮豔色彩的泳衣等。


Windsor, 1982

Windsor, 1982

Cowdray Park, 1983

Cowdray Park, 1983

South of France, 1985

South of France, 1985

Windsor, 1986

Windsor, 1986

Mallorca, 1987

Mallorca, 1987

Balmoral, 1987

Balmoral, 1987

Mallorca, 1988

Mallorca, 1988

Sydney, 1988

Sydney, 1988

South Australia, 1988

South Australia, 1988

New South Wales, 1988

New South Wales, 1988

Necker Island, 1989

Necker Island, 1989

Mallorca, 1990

Mallorca, 1990

Nigeria, 1990

Nigeria, 1990

On a yacht with Prince Charles and King Constantine II of Greece

On a yacht with Prince Charles and King Constantine II of Greece


Necker Island, 1990

Necker Island, 1990

Egypt, 1992

Egypt, 1992

Egypt, 1992

Egypt, 1992

British Virgin Islands, 1993

British Virgin Islands, 1993

British Virgin Islands, 1993

British Virgin Islands, 1993

South of France, 1996

South of France, 1996

Angola, 1997

Angola, 1997

St Tropez, 1997

St Tropez, 1997

St Tropez, 1997

St Tropez, 1997

內文轉載自 British Vogue

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