最近,劍橋公爵夫人Kate Middleton 繼續以時尚造型現身。這次她所穿的別緻外套,正是駝色長外套。 多年來,她穿著幾乎所有風格的外套,從量身定制的外套到運動外套。 今天,Kate Middleton 再次穿著她的招牌——Massimo Dutti 的經典駱駝大衣,去參觀威爾士卡迪夫(Cardiff, Wales)的伊利和卡勞兒童中心。 但是,這次,她以一種出乎意料的方式為外套設計了樣式,從而擺脫了通常的輪廓,成為了目前的流行趨勢。

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Today The Duchess of Cambridge visited HMP Send to talk to some of the women she met during a visit to the prison in 2015 — who have since been successfully rehabilitated, released and are rebuilding their families, in addition to women currently at the prison. The Duchess heard about the work that the Forward Trust do at the prison in supporting clients to improve their relationships with friends and family, including reconnecting with children. Among those that The Duchess spoke with today was Kirsty, who she first met in 2015. Kirsty spent her childhood in and out of the care system. Following a series of adverse experiences, she turned to substance misuse and began a 10-year cycle of addiction and reoffending: • “While serving my sentence, I woke up one day and realised enough was enough. • I took myself to my drug and alcohol worker and asked for help. I was lucky enough to be sent to HMP Send for a fresh start. • The programme changed my life. In some of my darkest moments since, I have never turned back to drugs.” • What we experience in the earliest years – from in the womb to the age of five – is instrumental in shaping our future lives. The Duchess of Cambridge has spent time meeting with families across the country and hearing about the issues they deal with day-to-day, in addition to speaking with academics, experts, organisations and practitioners. It takes just 5 minutes to have your say in the biggest ever conversation on early childhood – click the link in our bio to answer the #5BigQuestions on the Under 5s.

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公爵夫人通常偏愛甜美、復古的風格,而這些風格的鈕子更多。但這次她穿著駱駝大衣時,整體有着70年代風格的休閒風情。 她穿了已經售罄的Massimo Dutti外套,配以黑色高領毛衣和金色獎章項鍊,售價15美元以下的豹紋Zara短裙以及寬鬆的絨面革過膝靴。 這種復古外觀是秋季時裝展上的主要趨勢,尤其是在 Celine 身上。 對於公爵夫人來說,這可能是她嶄新的風格,但她確實穿得很好,讓人眼前一亮。