或許 Judy Garland (1922年6月10日- 1969年6月22日) 對這一代人來說十分陌生,但其實這位美國演員是家喻戶曉的電影《綠野仙蹤》(The Wizard of Oz)女主角 Dorothy。2歲半就開始跟著家中兩位姊姊登台表演的她,在1939年以16歲之齡,主演這部出自美高梅公司MGM的電影,成為當紅童星。她在電影中唱下 “Over the Rainbow”,可以說是最經典的電影歌曲之一。

16歲正值青春期成長階段,她卻原來要忍受MGM公司的不人道身材管理,為了控制Judy的體重,公司只讓她吃黑咖啡及雞湯,並需要每隔四小時服下控制食慾的藥,每天抽多根香煙。其後,傳聞為了讓她維持「童星」形象,公司還逼她在19歲墮胎。一連串的舉措令公司成功以 Judy 獲得可觀收入,卻在這位小女生的心理及生理上造成負面影響,亦為她其後服食精神科藥物埋下伏筆。

I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it.

Judy Garland

1969年,Judy 在倫敦因服用過量藥物離世,享年47歲。在短暫卻絢麗的人生當中,這位一代巨星獲獎無數。愛唱歌的這位歌舞演員,除了憑《綠野仙蹤》榮獲奧斯卡金像獎青少年演員獎外,她還獲得過金球獎終身成就獎、兩座格林美獎及一座東尼特別獎,更成為美國同志的偶像。

2019年上映的電影《Judy》,訴說了她人生最後那年,風采猶存卻飽受藥物帶來的精神折磨,正好帶大家領略這位一代巨星讓人心痛的一面。今年 Renée Zellweger 正是憑這部電影,以出色細膩的演技榮獲奧斯卡最佳女主角,登上影后寶座。

若她在生,今年已是98歲了。以下,一起回看 Judy Garland 最美豔的14張照片,感受這位美國傳奇女演員的經典之處。

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) with her sisters in a promotional portrait for their musical trio The Gumm Sisters, circa 1935.

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) with her sisters in a promotional portrait for their musical trio The Gumm Sisters, circa 1935.

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) as Dorothy Gale in 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939.

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) as Dorothy Gale in 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939.

Judy Garland, 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939

Judy Garland, 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939

Judy Garland (1922 - 1969), as Dorothy Gale, holding Toto the dog for the film, 'The Wizard Of Oz,' directed by Victor Fleming.

Judy Garland (1922 - 1969), as Dorothy Gale, holding Toto the dog for the film, 'The Wizard Of Oz,' directed by Victor Fleming.

Yellow brick road from the film, 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939.

Yellow brick road from the film, 'The Wizard of Oz', 1939.

Actress Judy Garland in a scene from the movie ‘Presenting Lily Mars’

Actress Judy Garland in a scene from the movie ‘Presenting Lily Mars’

Actress Judy Garland

Actress Judy Garland

Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in a publicity photograph for the 1940 film ‘Strike Up the Band’

Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in a publicity photograph for the 1940 film ‘Strike Up the Band’

1944- Philadelphia, PA- Judy Garland entertains civilian employees at the Philadelphia Navy Yard during a War Bond Drive.

1944- Philadelphia, PA- Judy Garland entertains civilian employees at the Philadelphia Navy Yard during a War Bond Drive.

Portrait of actress Judy Garland, soon to be seen in ‘A Star is Born,’ a Transcone Enterprises picture produced by Sid Luft for Warner Brothers.

Portrait of actress Judy Garland, soon to be seen in ‘A Star is Born,’ a Transcone Enterprises picture produced by Sid Luft for Warner Brothers.

Judy Garland holds a large straw hat while wearing a period dress and veil in a still from 'The Pirate', directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1948.

Judy Garland holds a large straw hat while wearing a period dress and veil in a still from 'The Pirate', directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1948.

3rd November 1942: Portrait of American actor Judy Garland sitting on a large armchair in a floral print dress.

3rd November 1942: Portrait of American actor Judy Garland sitting on a large armchair in a floral print dress.

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) as Esther Smith in 'Meet Me In St Louis', directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1944.

American actress and singer Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) as Esther Smith in 'Meet Me In St Louis', directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1944.

American singer and actress Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) on stage, circa 1960.

American singer and actress Judy Garland (1922 - 1969) on stage, circa 1960.

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