
CUMBRIA, ENGLAND - JUNE 5: (NO PUBLICATION IN UK MEDIA FOR 28 DAYS) Queen Elizabeth II watches as a cook from the Pie Mill makes a chocolate cake at the Cumbrian Rural Enterprise Agency on June 5, 2008 in Cumbria, England. (Photo by POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)

CUMBRIA, ENGLAND - JUNE 5: (NO PUBLICATION IN UK MEDIA FOR 28 DAYS) Queen Elizabeth II watches as a cook from the Pie Mill makes a chocolate cake at the Cumbrian Rural Enterprise Agency on June 5, 2008 in Cumbria, England. (Photo by POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)


Darren McGrady 表示英女王是位「Chocoholic」,會選擇餐單上任何有朱古力的甜點,尤其是 chocolate perfection pie (一種分層的朱古力批,帶有白朱古力、黑朱古力和朱古力碎)。他亦補充英女王偏愛純度達 60% 以上的黑朱古力。英女王喜愛朱古力的程度可謂無人能及,據知英國每年春天的大齋節 (Lent),信徒都需要禁食自己最愛的食物長達 40天,而英女王所禁食的正是黑朱古力。


雖然英女王不常吃快餐,但偶爾會破例。不過吃的不是來自連鎖快餐店的漢堡包,而是指令 Darren McGrady 親自製作的漢堡包。王室成員會射鹿,然後 Darren McGrady 等廚師會做鹿肉漢堡,亦會將蔓越莓放進漢堡裏,不過他們不會放小圓麵包作麵包皮,因為「碳水化合物」被英女王拒於門外。而優雅的英女王亦會使用刀叉進食漢堡包。


英女王無論身處何地,每天都會享受一頓下午茶。Darren McGrady 憶記最初到步皇家遊艇(Royal Yacht),第一份工作就是為英女王製作英式鬆餅(Scones)。而英女王的吃法是先塗抹果醬,再塗上凝脂奶油( clotted cream )。

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 27: Queen Elizabeth II receives scones from the Clontarf kitchen during her visit to Clontarf Aboriginal college on October 27, 2011 in Perth, Australia. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are on a 10-day visit to Australia and will travel to Canberra, Brisbane, and Melbourne before heading to Perth for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. This is the Queen's 16th official visit to Australia. (Photo by Sharon Smith-Pool/Getty Images)

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 27: Queen Elizabeth II receives scones from the Clontarf kitchen during her visit to Clontarf Aboriginal college on October 27, 2011 in Perth, Australia. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are on a 10-day visit to Australia and will travel to Canberra, Brisbane, and Melbourne before heading to Perth for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. This is the Queen's 16th official visit to Australia. (Photo by Sharon Smith-Pool/Getty Images)

偶爾的 Guilty Pleasures 是三文治配茶

英女王偶爾會有小放縱,一份 croque monsieur 三文治,加上融化的 Gruyère 芝士、火腿和蛋白霜,再配大吉嶺紅茶是她最愛的茶點。不過說到英女王最愛的茶類,就非品牌 Twinnings 的伯爵茶莫屬。


Darren McGrady 說:「在第一道菜,她愛吃 Gleneagles pâté,一種由煙三文魚、鱒魚、鯖魚混合的餡餅。她喜歡我們使用莊園裏的食材,所以如果用上 River Dee 的 Balmoral(城堡)裏的三文魚,她會吃的,這是她其中一道最愛吃的菜色。」,而英女王午餐會吃烤魚;下午茶會品嚐煙三文魚三文治;晚上則食用烤製或水煮的魚類,配上蔬菜或沙律,但不會加入馬鈴薯或任何澱粉質食物。


儘管英女王是嗜甜之人,但部分鹹味主菜仍深受她喜愛。Darren McGrady 憶述:「她喜歡蓋爾牛扒(gaelic steak)、菲力牛扒配蘑菇威士忌醬 (fillet steak),特別喜愛吃用鹿肉做的肉扒。」。另一道英女王愛的鹹味菜式是莫克姆灣龍蝦烤多士(Morecambe Bay potted shrimp on toast),Darren McGrady 形容龍蝦是以秘製的辣味牛油烹調和醃製的,英女王會將牛油塗抹在熱多士上,待牛油融化。


當其他皇室成員喝啤酒或威士忌時,英女王則選擇喝杜松子酒和杜邦威士忌。Darren McGrady 亦表示英女王睡前會喝一杯香檳,幫助入眠,最喜歡的品牌有 Bollinger、Krug、Lanson 和 Pol Roger。

LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 11: Queen Elizabeth II attends a reception for winners of The Queen's Awards for Enterprise, at Buckingham Palace on July 11, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 11: Queen Elizabeth II attends a reception for winners of The Queen's Awards for Enterprise, at Buckingham Palace on July 11, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images)


Darren McGrady 回憶:「如果英女王不在家,我們都會把菲臘親王的牛扒塗滿大蒜。但當英女王在家吃飯,餐桌上就永遠不會有大蒜。」,原因是大蒜味道非常濃烈,英女王認為吃完大蒜後再與其他賓客會面交談,於社交禮儀上是不恰當的。

MANCHESTER - OCTOBER 15: Queen Elizabeth II takes a tea break with hospital staff during her visit to Manchester Royal Infirmary on October 15, 1999. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

MANCHESTER - OCTOBER 15: Queen Elizabeth II takes a tea break with hospital staff during her visit to Manchester Royal Infirmary on October 15, 1999. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)



