英國 Benedict Cumberbatch 憑藉福爾摩斯Sherlock Holmes一角取得相當大的關注,還憑《新福爾摩斯》獲得艾美獎等多項最佳男主角獎及金球獎最佳男主角提名,粉絲遍佈全球,談吐舉止充滿英倫紳士的標誌,亦時而幽默風趣且搞怪,深得不少女士歡心。他更榮登2013年《帝國》雜誌(Empire Magazine)評選的「世界上100位最性感電影明星」第一名,憑著強大的實力和獨特的角色魅力,成功扭轉主流審美趨勢。

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch poses during a photocall at the 44th Monte-Carlo Television Festival on July 3, 2004

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch poses during a photocall at the 44th Monte-Carlo Television Festival on July 3, 2004

其實,他在飾演型格名偵探 Sherlock 和超級英雄 Doctor Strange前,已經演了九年戲,更經歷過兩次嚴重意外事故。大器晚成的他,現在依然保持謙遜,2015年6月,他獲頒CBE勳銜(大英帝國司令勳章),以表揚他在演藝及慈善上的貢獻。

以下,在7 月 19 日Benedict Cumberbatch 生日之際,一起回看男神的吸引之處,你是因為哪一個特點而喜歡他呢?

Benedict Cumberbatch with his wife Sophie Hunter after receiving the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) from Queen Elizabeth II for services to the performing arts and to charity during an Investiture Ceremony at Buckingham Palace
November 10, 2015 in London, England.

Benedict Cumberbatch with his wife Sophie Hunter after receiving the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) from Queen Elizabeth II for services to the performing arts and to charity during an Investiture Ceremony at Buckingham Palace

November 10, 2015 in London, England.

1. 幽默風趣

有說會討女生歡喜的男生最受歡迎,而 Benedict Cumberbatch 就是幽默搞怪的英倫紳士。例如在2014年奧斯卡典禮的紅地毯上,他就用搞怪姿態為當時的 合照增添趣味性,這個 photobomb 當時亦引來很大迴響;另外,他在片場亦相當活潑,經常有跳舞、逗趣等動作。

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch photo bombs the group photo of (L-R) musicians Bono, Larry Mullen, Jr. and Adam Clayton of U2 as they arrive for the Oscars held at Hollywood & Highland Center on March 2, 2014 in Hollywood, California.
On Set ‘Sherlock’
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch photo bombs the group photo of (L-R) musicians Bono, Larry Mullen, Jr. and Adam Clayton of U2 as they arrive for the Oscars held at Hollywood & Highland Center on March 2, 2014 in Hollywood, California.
On Set ‘Sherlock’
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2. 磁性的聲線

Benedict Cumberbatch 擁有磁性的聲線,無論配音還是旁白,他都有涉獵,例如在BBC大熱紀錄片《南太平洋》(South Pacific)及不少其他紀綠片擔任旁白,例如《Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking》、《耶路撒冷》(Jerusalem)、《基斯坦奴 朗拿度:世界在他腳下》(Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet)等;他亦為不少電影配音,例如《毛克利:魔森叢現》(Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle),他更為電子遊戲角色配音,例如《新福爾摩斯》(Sherlock: The Network)、《樂高:哈比人歷險記》(Lego The Hobbit)等。

3. 愛妻號

Benedict Cumberbatch 與任職劇場總監的妻子 Sophie Hunter 在2015年結婚,他對妻子的愛在那深情的眼神就可得知,就算在公開場合,視線亦離不開Sophie,並經常牽手,幸福滿載。紅地毯上,他更是會無時無刻關心妻子,與她說悄悄話,惹人羨慕。


Benedict Cumberbatch and wife Sophie Hunter arrive at the Los Angeles Premiere of 'Doctor Strange' on October 20, 2016 in Hollywood, California.

Benedict Cumberbatch and wife Sophie Hunter arrive at the Los Angeles Premiere of 'Doctor Strange' on October 20, 2016 in Hollywood, California.

4. 將角色精髓帶到時尚上

在2019年Met Gala「Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion」上,奉行純素生活的Benedict Cumberbatch 以一身全白純素(Vegan)服裝出席這個年度盛事,還特意戴上一個綠色胸針在領帶上,與他的代表角色「奇異博士 Doctor Strange 」擁有的時間寶石的顏色所相似。

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter attend The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2019 in New York City.
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch is seen on the set of 'Doctor Strange' on April 2, 2016 in New York City.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter attend The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2019 in New York City.
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch is seen on the set of 'Doctor Strange' on April 2, 2016 in New York City.
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近日,《新福爾摩斯》編劇 Mark Gatiss 和 製作人Steven Moffat 表示《新福爾摩斯》還未完結,一定會有第五季。但由於男主角 Benedict Cumberbatch 和 Martin Freeman 均忙於拍其他戲,所以還沒確定什麼時候開拍。一起期待Benedict Cumberbatch的新作及福爾摩斯的回歸吧!


‘Sherlock‘ on Netflix

‘Sherlock‘ on Netflix