由上週開始,2021第74屆康城影展(7月6-17日)舉辦得如火如荼,超模 Bella Hadid 更是一早穿上 Jean Paul Gaultier 亮相紅地毯。最近,她出席電影《Tre Piani》首映禮,再次帶來驚艷造型,穿上Schiaparelli 高訂晚禮裙展現高級時尚魅力。

Bella Hadid attends the "Tre Piani (Three Floors)" screening during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on July 11, 2021 in Cannes, France.

Bella Hadid attends the "Tre Piani (Three Floors)" screening during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on July 11, 2021 in Cannes, France.

這條 Schiaparelli 禮裙出自品牌剛剛發佈的2021秋冬高級訂製系列,創意總監Daniel Roseberry 帶來了其自2019年接任以來的標誌性誇張飾物及明確輪廓設計。合身黑色禮服帶有肩襯,配合開胸的設計,Bella 戴上金色肺部造型頸鍊,以此遮蓋胸部,帶來極致的性感韻味。

Bella Hadid attends the "Tre Piani (Three Floors)" screening during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on July 11, 2021 in Cannes, France.

Bella Hadid attends the "Tre Piani (Three Floors)" screening during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on July 11, 2021 in Cannes, France.

最近忙於為時裝展的工作以及康城活動的 Bella,早前在社交平台分享生活照時,更上載了與男友 Marc Kalman 相擁而吻的合照,寫下“Healthy, Working and Love”,正式公開戀情。Marc Kalman為藝術總監,曾經與 Travis Scott 進行專輯的美術合作,今次亦有陪伴Bella來到康城影展。今次亦是 Bella 與加拿大樂壇天王The Weeknd分手後,首次公開的戀情。

Instagram @BellaHadid

Instagram @BellaHadid